21 griffon vultures from Extremadura and Andalusia travel to Sardinia

On Friday, March 22, a long journey began Sardinia by a group of 21 griffon vultures from Extremadura and Andalusia within the framework of a project aimed at restoring this species, which has so far been greatly decimated by human factors: poison, persecution and changes in breeding habitats.

By Estremadura It takes more than twelve years for the Directorate General for Sustainability of the Government of Extremadura and AMUS participate together with the VCF in contributing copies of both griffon vultures like black vultures. In total, approximately 600 copies were contributed. This figure represents a very significant number contributing to the creation of new colonies, which already exist, in many of these fortification areas: Bulgaria, France, Cyprus, Sardinia

A journey of many hours divided in a specialized and perfectly equipped van and by boat. Yesterday, Sunday, we already received the first videos and photos of the satisfactory outcome of the trip where all copies arrived in perfect condition.


Extremadura plays a fundamental role in spirit projects, given the good health of its contingents. Without going further, 50% of the total Spanish black vulture population numbers about 900 pairs, reaching 40% of the number of European black vultures. The same goes for griffon vulture Estremadura It has high densities.

WOULD LOVEhas a long history of restoring and preserving spirits through the nature hospital, the network of complementary feeding points and projects on the territory to reduce threats and implement habitat conservation and social awareness measures.