8 Animals sacrificed to make clothes in the 21st century

It seems like a lie, but it’s still true animals that are sacrificed to make clothing. The fact that every year Killings return to fur farms moves Europe and the whole world. And the abuse behind these barbaric factories is horrendous. But that’s the same fate that awaits many more species that kill humans to make clothes.

Animals sacrificed to make clothes: silkworms

Silkworm cocoons (Bombyx mori) are boiled alive inside to ensure that the thread with which they are woven becomes silk cloth. About 6,600 worms must die to produce 1 kilo of silk threads.


Animals sacrificed to make clothing: Seals

Seals and their young are often beaten to death to make various objects and clothing from their precious skin. For this reason, hundreds of thousands of these pinniped marine mammals are ruthlessly hunted every year.

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Animals sacrificed to make clothing: Rabbits

Angora rabbitsOryctolagus cuniculus) are bred in captivity in many places around the world to remove their fur and make angora wool. The collection method is very cruel, because they are pulled out in strands and this happens throughout the life of the animal. Therefore it belongs to the animals that are sacrificed to make clothing.

Animals sacrificed to make clothing

Animals sacrificed to make clothing: Foxes

Fox fur is highly prized in fur, as its soft fur is truly impressive and comes in different colors depending on the breed. But 18 to 20 copies must be sacrificed to create a coat. For this reason they appear in this list of animals that are sacrificed to make clothing.

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Animals sacrificed to make clothes: mink

Even more prized than fox fur and therefore much more expensive is that of mink (Neovison vision), of which up to 60 copies are sacrificed to create a garment. The worst part is that because of its skin the species was introduced to places where it did not occur, as happened in Spain, and became a species. Invasive species and a threat to native animals.

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Animals sacrificed to make clothes: Karakul sheep

Between the Animals sacrificed to make clothingthis is a very cruel thing. The lambs of Karakule sheep, native to Central Asia, are slaughtered before they are born or immediately after they give birth. Its skin is highly valued in the fur industry because Astrakhan is made from it. A leather that is characterized by having short, soft and curly hair.

Animals sacrificed to make clothing

Animals sacrificed to make clothes: Chiru

El Chiru (Pantholops hodgsonii) is a Tibetan antelope that lives in the Himalayas. his status in the IUCN Red List It is “nearly threatened with extinction.” These animals cannot be domesticated, so they are persecuted and hunted for their skin. Although killing them is prohibited, their wool, known as Shahtoosh, is sold on the black market.

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Animals sacrificed to make clothing: Beavers

Beavers have a very resistant and waterproof skin, because they are mammals that live almost all their lives in water. For this reason, coats made from their skin are highly prized, but each coat costs the lives of 9 animals. A real disaster, that’s why it’s one of the 8 Animals sacrificed to make clothing cited.

Animals sacrificed to make clothing

Europe has been fighting for years to end fur farming. In fact, it is called an ICE Fur-free Europe which represents the cry of thousands of citizens, who are completely opposed to the fact that in the 21st century there is still Animals sacrificed to make clothing.