MITECO: public consultation of the documentation of the fourth hydrological planning cycle (2028-2033)

Last Friday the Official State Gazette (BOE) has published the announcement of the General Directorate of Water of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) with which A six-month period of consultation and public information on the initial documents of the hydrological planning process begins (review for the 2028-2033 cycle)corresponding to the hydrographic demarcations of the Western Cantabrian, Guadalquivir, Ceuta, Melilla, Segura and Júcar and the Spanish part of the hydrographic demarcations of the Eastern Cantabrian (in the area of ​​​​competence of the General Administration of the State), Miño-Sil, Duero, Tagus, Guadiana and Ebro.

Program, Calendar, General Study on the Demarcation and Consultation Formulas

These initial documents of each hydrographic district They are made up of a Program, Calendar, General Study on the Demarcation and Consultation Formulas. This begins the process of reviewing the current hydrological plans, which must culminate before December 31, 2027 with the approval of the hydrological plans for the period 2028-2033.

The next key stages of the planning process will be the Outlines of Important Issues for each hydrographic district, which will be publicly available before the end of 2025, and the draft hydrological plan itself for the period 2028-2033, which will be put out for public consultation. before the end of 2026.

The initial documents, prepared by the corresponding hydrographic confederations, will be available for six months available to the public, until June 20, 2025which can be consulted at the headquarters and websites of these basin organizations, as indicated in the BOE. During this period, any interested party may make the proposals, observations and suggestions they deem appropriate regarding said documents, addressed to the corresponding basin organizations.

With the start of this public consultation process, the calendar established by the Water Framework Directive is fulfilled, which establishes that at least three years before the start of the period to which the plan refers (that is, the end of 2027), make these initial documents of the hydrological planning process available to the public.