The top officials of the ‘ITJ’ and the ‘OECC’ are appointed

He The Council of Ministers approved the appointments this Tuesday Elena Pita as general director of the Spanish Office of Climate Change (OECC) and Judith Carreras as head of the Institute for Just Transition (ITJ). Carreras, is an expert in socio-environmental issues, has developed a good part of her work career in international organizations such as the International Labor Organization and the European Economic and Social Committee. Pita, was director of the ‘Biodiversity Foundation’ since 2020, has extensive experience in the international arena in matters such as the environment, sustainable development and climate change.

The Council of Ministers, at the proposal of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO), approved this Tuesday the appointments of Judith Carreras and Elena Pita as general directors of the Institute for Just Transition (ITJ) and the Spanish Office for Climate Change (OECC), respectively.

Judith Carreras: Institute for Just Transition (ITJ)

Judith Carreras, an ITJ official, has a extensive experience in socio-environmental issuesespecially in the international sphere. The new director of the ITJ joined the Public Administration as a civil servant in 2012, since then carrying out her work at the service of different public organizations.

Highlights include her work as a technical advisor to the International Labor Organization (ILO), in its office in Spain, and as an administrator at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), in Brussels, where she was responsible for the matters linked to climate change and the just transition.

In September 2024, Carreras joined the ITJ team, leading the monitoring of the international dimension of just transition, as well as the design of the work plan for the development of the New Just Transition Strategy (ETJ 2.0.). Carreras has a degree in Political Sciences and Administration from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and has a Master’s degree in European Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges.

Elena Pita: Spanish Office of Climate Change (OECC)

Since 2020, Elena Pita directed the Biodiversity Foundation, an organization dependent on MITECO in charge of promoting the implementation of biodiversity conservation and recovery policies. With an extensive experience in biodiversity conservation, sustainable development and the fight against climate changePita has also been a Program Officer for adaptation to climate change at the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Environment Program (UN Environment).

The new director of the OECC also has an extensive international career that has led her to work in more than 30 countriesin organizations such as the European Commission, where she has been a consultant to the General Directorate of International Cooperation and Development.

In addition to the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation. Likewise, he has worked as head of matters related to developing countries at the OECC, and at the Delegation of the European Commission in Mauritania. Pita is agricultural engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and has a Master of Sciences from the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier.