The ‘savagery’ of the ‘Rompido Este’ urbanization project (Huelva)

In November of last year, the luxury Urbanization Project with residential uses and a new golf course began in the center of El Rompido, with the dismantling of the rich and varied Mediterranean forest vegetation that exists in the area.

The action that is being carried out, the impact on species of fauna and flora protected by European, State and Andalusian Law and the more than probable destruction of habitats of community interest They suggested that it could be an illegal intervention.

Destruction continues in El Rompido

The environmentalists of Huelva file a contentious-administrative appeal and request the precautionary suspension of the Rompido Este Urbanization Project and the stoppage of works. The Sagitta Project, by the Basque developer Loiola, is the greatest example of unsustainable, illegal and predatory urban planning on the entire Andalusian coast.

The objective of the appeal presented in the Contentious-Administrative Courts of Huelva is none other than to prevent the execution of the supposedly authorized works from producing a very serious and irreversible environmental impact on land with a high environmental value that offers support to numerous floristic species. and protected fauna and four Habitats of Community Interest, two of them priority (HIC. 2250* (coastal dunes with Juniperus spp.) and HIC 3170* (Mediterranean temporary ponds), which borders the Common Public Mountain of Abajo and in whose proximities are two spaces of the Natura 2000 Network (the SAC Estuary of the Piedras River and the SPA and Natural Site Marismas del Río Piedras and Flecha del Rompido).

The Rompido Este project, the largest real estate complex planned on the entire Andalusian coast, will execute in phases the SUS-C2 Partial Plan, which consists of the creation of a macro-urbanization with some 1,300 homes, with 3 hotels, commercial areas and a golf course. . The planned works involve razing a substantial part of the environmental values ​​that this privileged enclave haswith serious consequences for protected fauna and taxa, as well as for habitats of community interest, some of them priority.

And it would irreversibly upset the delicate balance that makes possible these outstanding samples of biodiversity. If the Rompido Urbanization Project were finally declared in a ruling not in accordance with the law, the restoration would border on the impossible, in addition to requiring a lot of time, and in no case would substitute compensation be sufficient to repair the damage caused to the Environment.

For this reason, it is considered essential so that the resource does not lose its legitimate purpose, that agree to the suspension of the unknown resolution approving the Urbanization Project issued by the Cartaya City Council and that this suspension has practical effects, preventing the continuation of the clearing, the urbanization work and subsequent execution of the works and the granting of an urban planning license by the Cartaya City Council, for which it would be necessary to obtain a Order to suspend the approval of the Urbanization Project of the Partial Plan of the SUS-C2 Sector.

The absence of a report on the sufficiency and availability of water resources in the entire administrative file of the project is one of the arguments that are considered in the appeal presented and that is considered necessary and basic before any urban planning approval such as the one that has been carried out. And this in a town where water supply problems have occurred in recent years, and in a context of severe drought, with the appropriate restrictions in force approved by the Hydrographic Demarcation of Tinto, Odiel and Piedras.

Everything was done in the worst way in El Rompido

It is also very important in the environmental demand omission of adequate evaluation of the repercussions of the negative impacts that the megaproject will generate real estate on the protected areas of the Natura 2000 Network of the European Union ZEC Estuary of the Piedras River and SPA and Natural Site Marshes of the Piedras River and Flecha del Rompido.

Can it be doubted that the more than 7,000 people that can be accommodated there when it is at full capacity will not affect the aforementioned protected spaces? The pressures and overaffections to the conservation objectives of said protected spaces They have not been sufficiently studied and it is highly foreseeable that the conservation objectives of these spaces will worsen qualitatively and quantitatively.

For all these reasons, the environmentalists of Huelva ask the court to adopt the precautionary measure consisting of the suspension of the unknown contested agreementorder the Cartaya City Council to proceed to the effective suspension of the urbanization works.

And, if applicable, the execution of the buildings and other accessory works in El Rompido, which does not grant the corresponding construction licenses and that if granted, they are also suspended with costs imposed on the Administration and the promoter, if they oppose the adoption of the measure.