Digital devices influence good and worse for the cognitive development of children

Each Digital device is an electronic device that receives and processes data, with the aim of converting it In useful information for your user. Nowadays they are present in various areas of daily life. They serve to perform different tasks at the same time or one by one, as is the case to navigate on the internet, watch television or listen to music.

He Cognitive development implies the evolution of children’s ability to think and reason. This growth is presented in different ways and at different ages according to the stimulus received and the capacities of each individual, in addition to the incidence of many other factors.

What about digital devices?

A scientific team formed by researchers from various national and international universities has analyzed the relationship between the use of thoroughly Digital devices and cognitive development in childhoodOffering an integral synthesis of current knowledge.

Due to a rigorous search in academic databases, the positive and negative effects of digital technologies at work have been analyzed in Cognitive functions, brain development and behavioral results. This means that psychological and neurophysiological mechanisms stand out that explain how these devices influence the brain, especially with cognitive control and decision.

In the research that was conducted, Ismael Martínez Guardado, a member of the Physiology Laboratory research group of the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport (Inef) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), participated. They are also part of the research team of the European University, the University of Nebrija and La Unie, as well as the Colombian University of the Costa (CUC).

The research conclusions show that the impact of device use is not uniform, since then Factors such as age, gender and socio -economic level They can modulate their effects. Although certain technologies can improve the executive functions and academic performance by promoting students’ participation and motivation, their excessive use can generate distractions, influence the approach and reduce performance.

Insulation or empathy

Other negative effects include to decrease persistent attention, Interruptions in sleep patterns and, in extreme cases, disruptive behavior. On the other hand, in terms of social cognition, a duality is observed: digital devices can promote cooperation and empathy, but can also cause social isolation and difficulties in face -face interaction.

Moreover, the Excessive use of digital media It can hinder skills, such as language and problem solving, while controlled and deliberately used, specific cognitive creativity and skills can promote. The work also emphasized the importance of digital content and parental mediation. The involvement of parents, together with quality interactions, is fundamentally for moderate negative effects and improve the educational benefits of technology.

Concluding: “Digital devices offer valuable opportunities for the Cognitive and educational developmentBut its use must be carefully regulated to prevent adverse effects on the cognitive, psychological and social development of children. However, more research is needed to understand their impact in the long term and to formulate guidelines that promote healthy integration of technology in life on childhood, “says researchers.