Spanish Ornithology Congress 2025

The Ornithology (of the Greek science of birds) is the branch of zoology dedicated to studying birds. Ornithology differs from related disciplines such as biology or ecology in numerous aspects, this is because there are a large number of fans in addition to professionals.

Partially to the high observation of these specimens and the unmistakable aesthetic attraction of birds There are countless people who are not professionals, have carried out countless studies and have done this within the parameters of scientific methodology.

That is why the celebration of congresses of ornithologists is so important, because it is the perfect opportunity Share and exchanged knowledge and know firsthand the new techniquesInnovations and other contributions from the participants.

The exciting ornithology

Science, preservation and birds will meet at the 26 Spanish congress of Ornithology It is celebrated from 12 to 16 February in the historic palace of the Valencia exhibition under the motto 70 years for birds. An event that has been designed to present the most important progress in scientific research into Avifauna, and are Application to nature conservation projects.

For five days there will be a wide activity program that, Following the orientations of the SEO/Birdlife scientific committeeIncludes invited presentations, scientific sessions with oral communication and exposure of posters with the latest progress in the field of birds and biodiversity. In particular the Scientific program consists of six plenary sessions by the hand of prestigious researchers from Spain and Portugal, 48 oral communication and 162 posters.

The excellent sessions of #26CEO

Living together in a variable environmental conference: cooperation and conflicts in the social weaver / living together in a variable environment: cooperation and conflict in the Republican Weaver, Rita Covas.

Rita Covas is the most important researcher at the Center for Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (Cibio, University of Porto, Portugal).

The congress opens with the presentation of Rita Covas that will uncover cooperative behavior, an evolutionary enigma, aimed at Cooperative breeding in which non -reproductive individuals help to take care of young people. This behavior is common in tropical and moderate areas in the south, associated with unfavorable environmental conditions. COVAS will present a long -term study of the Republican Wever in South Africa, which shows how environmental fluctuations influence reproduction and how assistants influence reproductive success. The presentation will emphasize the importance of long -term data and the study of different behaviors to base the understanding of cooperative reproduction and the costs and benefits of the social relationship between birds.

Plenary session: Flying worldwide: Discovering the causes and conception of global range extensions in birds / global flies: discovering the causes and consequences of the global expansion of the distribution areas of birds, Joan García Porta.

Joan García Porta is a professor and researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid.

In his speech he will tackle why some groups of birds, such as crows and Cornejas (gender Corvus), have achieved global expansion and diversification, while their close relatives are geographically limited. It will investigate how cognitive skills, the greatest body size and the greatest wings They have been the key in their broad geographical distribution. In addition, it will uncover the evolutionary implications of this global dispersion, which shows how crows have experienced accelerated percentages of species diversification, phenotypic variation and climate adjustment, in response to the multiple selective pressure of the different habitats they occupy.

Plenary session: early living conditions and phenotypical development in birds, José Carlos Noguera.

José Carlos Noguera is a titular professor at the University of Vigo.

The presentation of José Carlos Noguera will emphasize how prenatal conditions influence the phenotype and the aging of birds. Experimental studies shows that The age of parents has a negative influence on the offspring, known as ‘lansing effect’. Mothers improve the phenotypal quality of their descendants by hormones in eggs. In addition, embryos respond to acoustic signs of risk of predation, thereby inducing epigenetic changes that improve defensive behavior. These findings underline the importance of early embryonic development and postnatale in the Vogelfenotype.

Plenary session: new technologies for monitoring and study of endangered birds, Cristian Pérez Granados.

Cristian Pérez-Granados, is a doctor from the University of Alicante. He currently leads the group “New technologies for the monitoring of biodiversity” in the technological and forestry center of Catalonia.

The global biodiversity crisis has reduced habitats and reduced bird populations, challenging traditional monitoring methods. Cristian Pérez-Granados will present His presentation how automatic and non -invasive technologies, such as metabarcooding and satellite image analysisThey revolutionize the study of birds. It will emphasize the use of sound engraving, such as the Recti and Birdnet, to efficiently check birds. These progress make it possible to collect large data and to democratize the use of machine learning algorithms. The paper underlined the importance of these technologies for the preservation of birds and the solution of new ecological questions.

Plenary session: Scope communities in The Neotropic: ecological and behavioral patterns, Lara Naves Alegre.

Lara Naves Alegre is a doctor in the ecology of Miguel Hernández University of Elche.

It will expose an investigation into the Brazilian closed exposure that reveals that Carrion, a short -lived resource, generates complex interactions between 19 cleaning species, which emphasizes the importance of bait circumference in the community composition and consumption patterns. Lara Naves will count How competitive and facilitating interactions were observed, with nichegregation between vultures and other scavengers. The vultures, with a developed scent, therefore play a key role in the location of the bait, which makes other species facilitated. These findings are vital for preservation in one of the most important hot biodiversity points.

Plenary session: closing conference The Conquest of the Air: Origin and Evolution of the Flight of Birds Through The Fossil Registry, Francisco J. Serrano

Francisco José Serrano Alarcón is a doctor in the biology of the University of Malaga and Master in Paleontology of the Autonomous University of Madrid.

In his presentation he will tackle himself How birds, with more than 10,000 species, are one of the most successful animal groups evolutionaryThe occupation of almost all the ecosystems of the planet. Most species fly (~ 99%), which has been crucial for their prosperity. The first birds appeared about 150 million years ago, from feathered dinosaurs b Twices, the Pennaraptora. These dinosaurs developed functional wings with which they could fly. The promoted flight capacity evolved later, making a wide variety of birds facilitated until the end of the chalk (~ 66 mA). After the massive extinction caused by a meteorite, only the Neornites survived, diversified during the Cenozoic and led to the current species.

Discussions about birds and biodiversity

In addition, there will be several round tables in Around the recovery of nature, responsible renewable energies, urban biodiversity and preservation of the albufera of Valencia after the Dana Last October. In addition to other activities, it will have an Ardeola presentation room, the scientific journal of the environmental organization that is in the ten most important ornithological journals on an international scale, and the new update of the inventory of the important areas for the preservation of birds and biodiversity (IBA ). Similarly, parallel activities will be developed with a more informative approach, so that citizens can also participate in this event around birds.

The 26 Spanish Congress of Ornithology

He 26 Spanish Ornithology Congress (#26CEO) is celebrated from 12 to 16 February 2025 in the Valencia Exhibition Palace Under the motto 70 years for birds. It has drawn up an extensive program of activities by the scientific committee of the NGO, and the distribution of parallel activities that are open to the locals.

One must Underlines that #26CEO will be a neutral event in CO2. As in earlier editions, the NGO wants to achieve the objectives of its environmental management system, so the carbon footprint of the congress is derived from emissions for energy consumption and movements are calculated for later compensation.