The jungle in your work of conserving and improving forest massesdeals with their composition and development in order to maintain their health and preserve their ecosystem integrity and balance
The same groups the techniques that apply to forest masses to obtain sustainable production of goods and services. Selvicultural treatments must be oriented to achieve persistence and obtain an improvement of the mass in quality.
CICYTEX: Take care of the alcornocales
The Center for Scientific and Technological Research of Extremadura (CICYTEX) Organized this Friday a day Formative on good jungle practices in young masses of cork oak. The session, theoretical-practical, will take place in the town of Drawing, located in the Valley of the Arrago.
The day will be directed by technicians from the Institute of Cork, Wood and Vegetable, Center assigned to CICYTEXspecifically Ramón Santiago, Raúl Lanzo and Francisco Rubio. Its objective is to raise awareness among professionals in the sector about the importance of executing adequate jungle works On young cork oaks, such as pruning, debrises and health treatments, so that the subsequent extraction of the cork is carried out in optimal conditions.
This initiative is a commitment to CICYTEX Acquired within the framework of the Green and Circular Economy Project for the Araro Valley (Evcarrago), whose priority is to ensure the forest management conditions that avoid fires in the area, as well as contributing to its development, to the mitigation of climate change and the preservation of the biodiversity of the valley.
The training will prioritize the actions on the young trees, given the important presence they have in the Valley of the Arrago. These masses can contribute significantly to the rural development of the area if the necessary treatments to allocate them to the production of corksuch as the selection of cork oaks in the areas of greatest density, the formation of the trees, treatments prior to the cork and the unbroded of those with the sufficient size to put them in production.
Access to The day is free and free to complete capacity. The theoretical session will begin at 10:30 am in the Jesús Garzón Heydt Environmental Classroom. The demonstration in the field will be done below in the El Alcornocal place. Interested persons can contact the organization through Cicytex email.
Good Practices Guidelines
On the guidelines to be followed when carrying out jungle works, the technicians of the Cork Institute consider crucial respect the radical system of the cork oak, since it is very delicate and performs essential functions for the life of the tree.
Therefore, it is vital to avoid the alteration of the Alcornocal soil during the jungle works, advising his tillage. If necessary, they advise The use of manual clearing to minimize soil compaction.
It is also important to make adequate training pruning. In this process, as they will expand in the Friday session, they recommend apply Never cut more than a quarter of the cup, nor branches of more than 5 centimeters in diameter. In his opinion, it is preferable to make more frequent and light pruning to spaced and intense pruning.
Evcarrago has the support of the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) in the framework of the recovery, transformation and resilience (PRTR) planfinanced by the European Union NextGeneu.