The Energie represents more than three -quarters of EU emissions of greenhouse gases and is directly related to Electricity generation, heating and transport, all essential for daily life. Increase the contribution of energies renewable It is essential to significantly reduce the electric sector emissions and to achieve the ambitious objective of EU climate neutrality by 2050.
He The development of renewable energy sources is also a way in which EU countries are less dependent on import of energy and are less vulnerable to the disruptions of fossil fuel prices.
Loose Experts warn that this reality occurs from Bruces against current regulatory measures and block policy, which only make the necessary progress of energies renewable has suffered a significant ‘break’ from which it is urgent to leave.

Maintain the impulse of renewable energies
The last energy transition index of Oliver Wyman gives a picture of stagnation in the progress of our country in the energy transition and the fulfillment of the EU common objectives to combat climate change and energy dependence. The following graph of the report gives back a clear idea of the step that we give with regard to most EU countries:
On the other hand, the report on Spain includes an analysis of the various aspects of the energy transition and the evolution and the current situation of our country compared to the rest of the EU. It is quite symptomatic for the current policy that the The only factor in which it has improved is the protection of nature. The impression is that the debate about the preservation of nature, sustained in the principle of “precautionary measures”, for the time being the game clearly wins the new concept of the EU of the “higher public importance of the Renewable energy sources ”.
Another disturbing aspect is that, despite the great ambition of the PNIEC in renewable, In the field of Energy, Spain has lost 4 positions in the ranking since the previous version of the index in 2021. The provisional energy data of 2024 indicate stagnation in the progress to energy transition And calls the intervening objective of the PNIEC in question. The delay in wind objectives is one of the causes.
Despite the interanual reduction of emissions in the electric sector of 16.8%(REE), the increase in the consumption of oil divizers (+2.2%) and the natural gas for non -electric consumption (+3.4%) (both provisional data of cores), is It seems to be condemning Spain to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions of approximately 0.9% according to estimates of the Observatory of the Energy Transition and Climate Action (OTEA).
Loose Data of fossil fuel consumption for transport endorse pessimistic analysis of the energy transition -Index of Spain in the transport area: despite the dedication to the electric vehicle, both the consumption of diesel (+0.7%) and that of gasoline (+7.5%) increased by 2024 compared to 2023.
Wind sector
The impossible mission of the wind sector to achieve its objectives with the current regulatory framework):
- According to the original PNIEC 2019 to achieve the objectives of Spain The wind sector had to install extra 12 GW of energy transition between 2021 and 2025, that is, 2.4 GW per year.
- With the current regulatory and political framework (National and autonomous), for the sector in the period 2021-2024, it is only “allowed”-in the feeling that all necessary permits 4.3 GW (AEE data), 33% of the objective (on average 1.1 GW per year).
- It is therefore not surprising that Wind Europe, In its latest publication on the progress of the wind sector in Europe, it stipulates that in 2030 only 40 GW wind will be installed in Spain (compared to the 62 GW of the PNIEC) due to the lack of an adequate regulatory framework for wind technology. The worrying thing about the case is that, because of the distribution between countries of the objectives for emission reduction, if Spain does not install the remaining 22 GW Elico’s by 2030, the entire EU may not have its objective of its objective renewable And emission reduction. Not only because of the emissions of the electric sector but also of the industrial sectors that must consume hydrogen in origin renewable That without those wind facilities cannot take place.
Objective version 2025
According to the PNIEC (2023-2030) The total emissions in Spain in 2025 must be 242 m tons of CO2When according to the OTEA estimate the emissions have reached 272 Mtonco2 in 2024. In one year, emissions must be reduced by 30 Mton CO2, 11.9%, comparable to the year 2020 of the COVID when the reduction was 12.6% compared to 2019.
The electricity sector, despite the fact that it has reduced its emissions the most since 1990 (57%) (the only one under the emissions of the base year) is still far from the ambitious goal of 2025 of the PNIEC that has to reduce emissions to 13.4 m ton, since in 2024 the 27 Mtonco2. In A year’s emissions from the electric sector would be reduced to half to achieve the goal.
Article 4 of the EU Regulation 1999/2018 (last amended in 2025), notes that in 2025 the quota of renewable energy of the Member States In 2025 it must be at least an increase of 43% compared to the total increase planned in 2030. Currently the objective of renewable Of the PNIEC for 2030, 48% starting with 20% in 2020.
The goal for 2025 must therefore be 32% renewable In 2025. Given that in 2023 according to the provisional data of the Miteco we were in 23.8 % and that in 2024 the % of renewable It probably decreased (since the emissions have increased), that’s it practically impossible to achieve the goal of 32% renewable in the final energy in 2025. In the absence of seeing how 2025 is currently ending, two important conclusions about the policy adopted in this legislative power and the previous one with regard to the energy transition a glimpse:
Policy and regulatory framework with electrification with renewable Until now they have not been enough to achieve the objectives (and part of the error is in the political demonization of a large part of the electricity sector and the fiscal increase in the product that sells: electricity). The main cause of this insufficient in the political regulatory framework has not been developed an electrification plan for economy, although the Ecological/energy transition is based on renewable electricity. Even the European Commission has included one of its objectives this year that develops an electrification strategy.
Delay in the renewable sector
In the electricity sector, The delay in compliance with the objectives of the wind (We will end 2025 with 40% of the purpose of the original PNIEC of 2021) It is so clear that even the Otea calls it as one of the two problems that must be solved in its report:
The wind generation has not increased over the past three years and that is why it is important to give the installed capacity a boost. As already mentioned, the electrification of the economy is still not growing. The weight of electricity The last energy consumption went back in 2024.
The real data of the progress in the energy transition of Spain give three clear messages:
- The rise in the objectives is stagnating. The objectives of 2025 are in danger, so you must take corrective measures in the political-regulating framework (both nationally and autonomously) and want to achieve the 2030 objectives.
- An electrification plan for Spain with specific budgets is necessary To promote direct electrification with renewable From non -electric and indirect sectors with green hydrogen.
- It is necessary to change the national and autonomous political framework So that it can be “allowed” the installation of at least 2.4 GW/year wind that the original PNIEC has determined (with the new version of the PNIEC of 2023, it would be necessary to install 5 GW/year).