An exhibition in Cantabria helps to raise awareness about the marine environment and the life of fish

The contamination in the seas is a very serious problem facing the biota that inhabits the marine environment. In fact there are scientists who predict that if things do not change, in 20250 there could be more plastics and waste in the oceans, than fish.

Know how is the life of wild fish can give a pattern to people About the importance of protecting and preserving them and will give them a clearer idea of ​​the role they meet in the balance of this great ecosystem that is the planet Earth.

The marine environment in the Cantabrian

The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports, together with the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, present in the Naos Marítimo del Cantábrico, MMC room, the temporary exhibition that is entitled ‘12 months, 12 fish: investigating the wild life of the fish in the Cantabrian Sea ‘.

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The Sample develops around twelve panels related to many other different species of fish. This temporary exhibition recovers part of the information of the campaign ‘Twelve months, twelve fish’, and is inserted in the “pampering» dissemination project, which was developed in fishcrafts and commercial surfaces, with informative posters on the main species of the community, with the aim of contributing to the knowledge of different aspects related to the medium marino carried out last year 2024.

In addition, from these explanatory panels the exhibition is completed with a series of showcases specialized in develop various concepts related to the objectives of the sample. The Minister of Culture, Martínez Abad, has valued the importance of making this type of informative exhibitions «that help reinforce the pedagogical work of our museums, in this case, the marine mediumone of the most visited in our region ».

In this case, he thanked the collaboration of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, and highlighted the “need to strengthen” this type of collaborations “To offer quality proposals such as the one we present since this month in the NAOS room of MMC«.

«12 months, 12 fish: investigating the wild life of the fish in the Cantabrian Sea ‘has continued to say the head of Culture, Try to bring science closer to citizens at the same time that consciousness is worked on the marine environment«.

Brock to the citizen the marine environment

According to the exhibition discourse, it must be taken into account that the fishing and shellfish activity is documented in Cantabria since prehistoric time, As some of the materials recovered in archaeological deposits, From fish remains (basically salmonid) and molluscs Marine (such as Lapas or Bígaros), even utensils used for capture and collection such as harpoons and seafood peaks, different funds that can be seen in the permanent collection of the Maritime Museum of the Cantabrian.

From the 12th century, the concession of privileges to several coastal cars, stimulated the fishing activity, as in other sailor villas of the Cantabrian Sea. The skill, expertise and courage of the people of the sea, as well as the growing demand for fish and the use of conservation techniques (drying, salting, pickled) allowed a significant increase in fish catches from sardines and bocartes to kissing and congrios, even being pioneer in whale hunting.

The Cantabria fishing tradition continues today with the modern fleet that slaughters in the brave waters of the Cantabrianadjusting to the rules implemented in recent decades in the search for the sustainability of this extractive sector. The continuity of the fishing exploitation will be possible in the medium or long term if, among other measures, a artisanal and responsible fishing is favored that is also profitable for the people of the sea.

The work of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC)

Pioneer in the research of the oceans, the Oceanographic Center of Santander has more than a century of history, belonging to the Network of Coastal Oceanographic Centers of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC).

At the moment The center integrates various lines of research in oceanography, fishing ecology and natural resources, aquaculture and biodiversitydeveloped by scientific personnel dedicated to improving the scientific knowledge of the oceans and ensure the sustainability of the marine environment and fishery resources, betting on the communication of science to society as a whole.

The sample It will be open to the public with free admission until June 8, 2025, Making its closure with the International Day of the Oceans, a week in which both the Museum and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography organize a fair with different stands, workshops and other activities of dissemination and awareness of the protection of the oceans.