Japan builds the first solar superpanel: generates more energy than 20 nuclear reactors

Japan Build the Primer Superpanel SolarThat generates more energy than 20 nuclear reactors. He Sol It is an inexhaustible energy source that has given the delivery to life in the Tierra For millions of years. Solar energy has its origins in the Sol And it is a source of renewable, clean and sustainable energy that changes the way we live.

Solar energy has its creation process in the Sola huge hot gas ball at 150 million kilometers from the Tierra. Inside, fusion reactions give a huge amount of energy that spreads to the space in the form of electromagnetic radiation, which visibly cover light and heat.

This solar radiation reaches the TierraWhere it can be used to produce solar energy, an inexhaustible source, since the Sol He will continue to shine billions of years.

Despite the challenges that can surround it, solar energy is a great potential to transform into the dominant energy source in the future. Japan He knows and that is why he has made a super solar panel that generates more energy than 20 nuclear reactors.

Japan works in the first solar superpanel: the projection is higher than that of 20 nuclear reactors

Japan In his possession, it has the first solar -“Superpanel” that promises to be one before and after being for the energy sector. It offers such a power that is larger than 20 nuclear reactors together. With this technology, the country is planning to build central that are able to produce up to 20 gigawatts for electricity, equal to the generation of 20 nuclear reactors.

This project is part of the national strategy to touch the zero net emissions in 2050. To achieve this, the country will benefit from its place as a second largest iodine producer, an important part in the elaboration of Perovskita solar cells.

It should be noted that the Panovskita panels stand out for their characteristics: they are light, flexible and adaptable. This mix It transforms them into a feasible option for the production of electricity in urban areas. The plan makes a glimpse of the establishment of production power stations in the interior of the country, which will contribute to greater energy security and the reduction in dependence on foreign supplies.

With this rigorous and determining details, the first solar super panel from Japan It is just as surprising as the 1 km solar panel of the room.

Japan writes History with the first solar superpanel from Perovskita (PSC)

The Japanese manufacturer Sekisui ChemicalA company that has the support of the Japanese government leads the proposal of this first Pervskita solar panel with projects that are already at two locations MUFG BANK, in Tokyo and Yokohama.

These urban tests try to demonstrate the practical viability of the solar panels PSCAnalyzing sustainability, weathering and efficient resistance.

According to the World Nuclear AssociationIt can be seen that, although a 1 GW reactor (working with a capacity of 90%) offers energy supply to around 780,000 houses (which covered 15.6 million houses for 20 reactors), the same capacity installed in solar panels, with a capacity factor of 20%, the offer would reach around 6.67 million houses.

Japan launches decisive solar projects: the first solar superpanel from Perovskita is the center of everything

To achieve its goal, the company has already opened the 100 MW production plant based on a ‘Roll to Roll’ production process of 30 cm wide panels, which currently achieves an initial efficiency of 15% and an estimated sustainability in the outside of 10 years. Added to this, Sekisui Perform different tasks to extend the dimensions of the panels to 1 mine and perfectly to perfect their performance and stability.

In short, Japan It builds various solar parks in the hope of wearing the solar super panel where the conventional have not been able to reach. At the same time, the world remains stupid before the rise of this solar panel smaller than an atom.