The Xunta de Galicia promotes cleaning actions in Ribadeo streams

The actions in public channels located in urban spaces correspond to the competent administrations in Territory and Urban Planning Matter (in this case to Galicia’s), As established by Law 10/2001, of July 5, of the National Hydrological Plan, Article 28.4.

Besides, Out of those areas, the conservation, protection and improvement of channelsIn addition to hydrographic confederations, they can be carried out by other administrations or by individuals, prior authorization.

Cleaning in Ribadeo streams

La Consellería de Múdio Environment and Climate Exchange, through Galicia, began to run this week conservation and maintenance actions in seven sections of streams in the City of Ribadeo, which add up to more than 12.6 kilometers.

The tasks, which will be developed in vajos parishes of that municipality, They consist of the removal of fallen trees and biomass present in the river channel To avoid tapping, as well as specific and selective debrises to access to the channel.

Specifically It will act in a section of about 2.6 kilometers from the Arroyo de Vilaselán As it passes through the parishes of Piñeira, Ove and Vilaselán; in around 2.3 kilometers in the Os Tacos stream -Parroquia de Piñeira-; In another of 1.4 kilometers in the San Xulián stream, in the parishes of Rinlo and Vilaframil, and of a quarter, more than 1.3 kilometers, in the Cabalar Crooly as it passes through the parishes of A Devesa and Vilaframil.

Los Three remaining sections are all in the parish of A Devesa. The first, in just over a kilometer, in an unnamed stream; The second in the Rochela stream acting at about 1.9 kilometers and the third in the O Vilar stream, for just over 2 kilometers.

The works, which were already communicated to the City Council, will last for about five weeks and They will make by applying manual tools, the use of chainsaws and friction as well as with the support of another larger machinery, such as a tractor and a cargo wheelbarrow.

Galicia watches over the fluid traffic of channels

Once the works programmed by the hydraulic body dependent on the Galician Executive, this river section will be clear of weeds, thus allowing the fluid circulation of its waters. AUGAS DE Galicia develops these actions within the framework of the maintenance, conservation and improvement program of the Hydraulic domain of the Galicia-Costa basins and in access and protection areas. In this case, it is also the maintenance of areas cataloged as of high significant potential risk of flooding.

The ultimate end of the works is Improve river beds to favor the natural conditions of the river ecosystemacting in the areas in which the Xunta has powers, outside the river urban plots of municipal responsibility.