Purpose: restore Odiel’s swamps and keep them in the long term

The natural Marism of Odiel Place, which is located southwest of Andalusia, was proclaimed by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve and is an area of ​​special protection for birds. Located at the mouth of the Odiel River, it is integrated in the complex estuary that they form with the redThat give rise to an extensive variety of landscapes: twisted arms of water, lagoons and salinas (Bacuta, Aragonese, Batán), islands (in medium, Sales, Bacuta), beaches (Espigón) and forests (the Almendral, the Acebuchal or the Cascajera).

Those are being considered The most important Mareales -Mermermas of the Iberian Peninsula And an important place in the migration channels of some limited interests. Inside are the natural reserves of the Marism of El Burro, with 597 hectares, and the island of EnMedio, with 480 hectares, which stand out for the excellent degree of preserving its ecosystems.

The importance of the Marisms of Odiel

The Marisms of Odielone of the most ecological value of Andalusia, They continue in their recovery with the implementation of an ambitious project for the preservation, prevention and restoration of the ecosystems. This initiative, promoted by the Ministry of Sustainability and Environment of the Junta de Andalucía, “ Improvement of the environmental conditions of this protected leg country, which has the effects of marine pollution and the accumulation of waste from different origins«, As explained by the territorial representative in the province of Huelva, Pedro Yórquez.

The works, which started with the first subtractions actions in February, will be expanded A period of 14 months from the recipient’s recordformalized in December 2024. The total investment amounts to 748,655.96 eurosco -financed within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience (PRTR) plan With European funds NextgeZeuu.

Located in the province of Huelva, at the confluence of the Ríos Red and Odiel, the Marismas del Odiel form a complex estuarine system that stands out for his biodiversity and functions as a refuge for migratory birds. Also stands out for his international recognition as Biosphere Reserve for UNESCO and admission to the Red Natura 2000as well as catalogs as Special Bird Protection Zone (Zepa) y Place of community interest (LIC) They endorse the need for actions that guarantee their conservation.

However, the accumulation of plastic waste and waste due to fish, recreational activity and the proximity of urban centers has generated a negative effect on the fauna and flora of the protected space. This is added Most important habitat changes for species with high ecological valueSuch as the fisherman Eagle (Pandion Haliaetus), who has succeeded in settling in the area after a reintroduction process.

The project will be developed in an area of 161.48 hectareswhere different interventions will be carried out to remove waste, the Recovery of indigenous vegetation And the improvement of the conditions for fauna.

Keep the swamps and keep them in the long term

The first phase of the works focuses on the Waste withdrawal in the most important affected habitats. Plastic, remains of networks and other materials that endanger the ecological balance of the estuary will be eliminated. «To do this, they will be used Techniques adapted to the vulnerability of the environment, to minimize the impact on the site and the species that minimize«, The delegate has noticed.

So in the Waste pulling, the use of specialized equipment will be given priorityBoth for manual cleaning in difficult access areas and for mechanized intervention in areas where greater transport capacity and waste management are required.

Parallel, A Plant recovery and improvement process by planting species that are adapted to the Marshian ecosystem. This action will strengthen soil stability, improve water filter capacity and increase vegetation coverage in broken -down areas.

He Bosherstel process includes the selection of indigenous species that promote the regeneration of the ecosystem, such as fleshy thyme (Thymus Carnosus), The Kustjeneverbes (Juniperus Oxycedrus Macrocarpa), The Marine Poppy (Ice flavium) or the Sabinas (Juniperus Phoenicea Turinata). In total it will be used 4,083 copies of these species and others.

Protection of the Visser Eagle

As Yórquez announced, «« «One of the most innovative measures in the project is the installation of four nest structures for the Visser EagleAn emblematic Rapaz that has restored its presence in the area thanks to conservation efforts ».

The Placement of specific towers, at strategic locations within the protected space of Odiel’s swampswill prefer the consolidation of its populations and contribute to its expansion within this space. They will prefer the reproduction, breeding and settlement of the species, and strengthen its role in the balance of the ecosystem.

The fisherman is cataloged in Andalusia as ‘vulnerable’As in the rest of the national territory. Winter pairs are located in this wetland, as well as in the natural space of Doñana or the bay of Cádiz, including locations. However, it is in Marism del Odiel, where over the years the population is better health in terms of population stability.

Since 2009, when the birth of the first fishermen Eagles was registered, they are already 29 The samples born in this natural space And currently has eight reproductive pairs. Since the program was launched in 2012, the Visserse adelparts in Andalusia have even increased by 80%.

The development of the project will have a detailed monitoring of each of its phases to evaluate the impact of the actions and to guarantee their effectiveness. Sustainability criteria will be applied in all procedures, so that the intervention respects the integrity of habitats and promotes an effective recovery of the environment. «All these promotions are aimed at Return the optimum environmental conditions for his retention and maintenance in the long term to the swamps of Odiel“, He concluded.