The creation of the Municipal Strategic Fund for Fire Prevention and Forest Management of the Valencian Community, is established in article 77 of Law 3/1993, of December 9, Forestry of the Valencian Community, with the purpose to help municipalities finance actions in forest fire prevention and forest management, planned and approved.
The Municipal Strategic Fund for Fire Prevention and Forest Management of the Valencian Community It consists of a direct subsidy so that the municipalities, with forest land in its municipalitycarry out the execution of the actions contemplated in their local forest fire prevention plans (PLPIF or PLRPIF), as well as in their technical forest management instruments, previously approved by the competent Ministry.
Forest management and fire prevention need aid
The General Directorate of Forest Fire Prevention of the Department of Environment, Infrastructure and Territory holds meetings with different municipalities once a period of 15 business days, until March 25, so that The requesting municipalities formalize accept the direct subsidy of fire prevention and forest managementwithin the framework of the Municipal Strategic Fund for Fire Prevention and Forest Management (PLPIF) of 2025, since they need to confirm acceptance after being granted.

This was explained by the general director of Forest Fire Prevention, Rosa María Tourís, after the visit to the municipalities of Loriguilla and Cortes de Pallás, where she has shown her predisposition to help and support municipalities in the planning and execution of actions In this matter.
He Municipal Strategic Fund for Fire Prevention and Forest Management (PLPIF) of 2025 of the Generalitat has a budget of 8 million euros and establishes the channel to channel direct aid to the 498 Valencian municipalities, which have forest land and have local plan for prevention of forest fires.
Among the actions that can be subsidized, the creation of fire areas and their maintenance, the improvement of forest and water points or short, pruning and clearing. In this line, the general director has stressed that this fund “is an example of the firm commitment of the Consell with the prevention and forest management to act at the earliest way and minimize as much as possible these emergencies, which are increasingly frequent at any time of the year ».
During the different visits, the general director has explained to the mayors the details of the subsidy and stressed that “it is not just an economic aid, it is a Bet on the future of our mountains, because we want them to be better prepared to deal with fires”.
Through these grants, the Generalitat seeks maximum coordination in all intervention actions in the forest mass to prevent or delay its propagation speed, if a fire is declared. In short, these are contributions to help municipalities finance activities, works, services and supplies included in their forest fire prevention plans and the approved forest management technical instruments.
Likewise, the writing of memories and technical documents necessary to process the aid file, as well as expenses derived from the work management and the health and health coordination of its execution will be included in the aid.
Aids published in the Dogv
The provisional award resolution was published in the DOGV, so the beneficiary municipalities have a period of 15 business days to present the acceptance of this aid, procedure that can be consulted in the electronic headquarters of the GVA.
This 2025 is the first year that subsidies are managed electronically, optimizing the response from the administration in the processing of aidbeing an agile and high productivity instrument.