International Action Day for Rivers 2025

The International Day of Action for Rivers 2025 is celebrated on March 14 With the intention of caring for and protecting one of the main sources of clean water throughout the planet, as well as raising awareness in the population for the care and protection of this valuable essential natural resource for life.

March 14 is the International Action Day for Rivers 2025. A date dedicated to solidarity, when various communities from all over the world join with one voice to say that rivers and the rights of communities that depend on them are important.

He International Action Day for Rivers It arose from First International Meeting of Peoples affected by dams In March of 1997in Brazilorganized by the Movement of peoples affected by dams of Brazil (MAB). Since then, thousands of events occur every year worldwide.

This day is celebrated from 1997mainly due to the Need to give light to serious problems of human rights violation fundamental by the construction of large hydraulic works and environmental destruction and economic ruin that bring with them.

The rivers are water currents that They provide the inhabitants of the environment endless benefits. They house a wide variety of species and ecosystems. They help development, they are a source of life and also drinking water.

Held on the fourth Sunday of September, the International Action Day for Rivers underlines its crucial importance: not only provide water, but also They support a large part of food production y They maintain biodiversity. However, despite being vital, now It faces growing threats due to overexploitation and climate change.

In addition, destinations are ecotourism wonderful and are intrinsically related to the culture and history of the peoples that inhabit their vicinity. That is why your care and protection is so important.

You can do a lot for the rivers

Each person can help conserve the health of rivers with small gestures. The sum of these can mean the difference between their subsistence or their disappearance. Every drop of drinking water that is contaminated is subtracted from the one we need to survive. And from which I could stay to the coming generations.

Tips on the ‘International Day of Action for Rivers 2025’

  • When cleaning, Choose products that are not toxic to the environmentthink that the vast majority of the waters we get dirty, will end in one way or another in some river.
  • Eat ecological, seasonal and local foods. You do not contribute to the pollution generated by crop in greenhouses, transportation, little sustainable containers, etc.
  • Keep your vehicles careful and prevent them from having liquid leaks. Because they are highly contaminants.
  • Plant trees and help soils to be firmer, that will reduce runoff and serve to filter the waters and avoid floods.
  • Take care of water. Do not waste it or waste. Think that, the one you throw, others may need it. In addition, the bill will be cheaper at the end of the month.
  • If you have a dog, pick up your droppings when you take it for a walk.
  • Collect rainwater and reuse it
  • One more in the Information chain about the importance of rivers and the need to protect them.
  • Inspire and educate with the example. Not only to your children, but also your friends, co -workers, family, etc.
  • Manage your waste responsible. Recycle, reuse, repair and reduce your amount of garbage.
  • Find out what are the rivers closest to your home. I defend them, take care of them and urge others to follow your example. And that they get involved in cleaning and protection.