He Northern steel It seems to have arrived from another planet. It presents a different color and can go beyond someone who had imagined. It should be noted that it is a source more than present in our daily life and in multiple scenarios that surround us: including urban furniture, decoration, infrastructure, automotive, transport and machines.
For this reason, it is not surprising that his industry is cyclical and that his activity directly affects the global economy. It is one of the most global materials, because it is used in different sectors to make products and infrastructure. This places its industry as one of the most important within the global economy.
The coveted versatility responds to unique properties, such as its high resistance, sustainability, ductility and ability to be recycled without losing quality. An aspect that it also transforms into a long -term sustainable material.

Nordic steel is imposed: it appears with a different color that looks like another planet
Under this framework Sweden SSAB y Cleaning master They started with an association of steel Fossil fuels -Free for pumps and concrete. Technology Hybritmade by SSAB In collaboration with the Mijnbureau Lkab And the energy brand WaterfallUse green hydrogen and fossil fuel -free electricity instead of cola -coal to make it.
In this way they largely throw away the heavy CO2 emissions that are related to their conventional production. SSAB He has signed a contract with the manufacturer of the World Building Equipment Cleaning master To deliver the future fossil fuel -free source for use in products such as concrete pump cars and concrete.
Because industries with regard to construction and production are responsible for many of the global carbon emissions, joint efforts are needed. SSAB y Cleaning master They have a long history of cooperation and technical cooperation.
By using steel Structurally powerful power Strenx and anti -crisp plates Hardox The SSAB of new and innovative ways, Cleaning master It has truck feathers prepared pump springs and highly resistant and light concrete drums. Light machines increase the machinery performance, but also limit the carbon footprint.
A shocking project that absolutely is to this initiative that 400 tonnes of steel will cook a year.
Nordic Steel comes to give an important lesson to the sector: two companies make it possible
Now the two companies mentioned have established an agreement to take a new step. When replacing the steel traditionally generated with exclusive technology Hybrit A large part of the CO2 footprint can be excluded.
Technology Hybritmade by SSAB In collaboration with the mining company Lkab and the energy WaterfallUse green hydrogen and fossil fuel -free electricity instead of cola -coal to develop steel.
It therefore suppresses a large part of the heavy CO2 emissions linked to the conventional generation of this source. This revolutionary procedure spreads water as a by -product, to replace CO2.
Nordic steel changes color: now it is not polluting
The conventional production of this material represents approximately 7% of global CO2 emissions. Also both primary steel and generation Recycled steel They contribute to emissions. To lower the climate impact, SSAB Invests in new innovative production technologies that will make production possible steel With almost zero polluting emissions.
This regardless of whether the raw material is scrap or primary iron mineral. Ssab zerotm It is based on steel Recycled and generated with electricity and biogas free of fossil fuels. It has been available since 2023. He steel Fossil fuel -free SSAB It is made of iron ore with technology Hybrit.
It was in 2021 then SSAB Generated the first steel Fossil fuel -free as a proof of concept using technology Hybrit And from that moment he has made various pilot deliveries to customers from different industries.
So things, the Northern steel It is from another planet, because its production is no longer observed with the gray tone with which we usually associate pollution. At the same time, the European Cisma project, which creates new 100% recycled steel products for the production of cars and devices, is published.