Claner ‘presents’ the call of the ‘Sustainable Horizon 2025’ Awards

The call for the 2025 Sustainable Horizon Awards has recently been announced by Claner, The association of renewable energies of Andalusia. They have a goal to make visible and to recognize the effort everyone trying to contribute his grain of sand to the energy transition in Andalusia.

Texla Renewable supports the prices that are aimed at companies, institutions and professionals who are seriously committed to the development of energy, renewable, sustainability and innovation, as well as on An energy model for the region that is more efficient, clean and greener.

3 Claner 2025 Sustainable Horizon Awards

In this first edition, Claner is considering delivering three prizes and a distinction. The prize “Luz de AndalucĂ­a” will recognize innovative projects that represent significant technological progress in the generation, storage or distribution of clean energy.

For its part, the “Energy for All” award will be awarded to Projects that have contributed to great improvement of access to energyPromoting education in sustainability and promoting community participation.

The “Andalusian Green” award will be admitted to companies that have demonstrated a special dedication to the Environmentalism, Preservation of Circular Economy and Ecosystems.

Finally, the special distinction claner “Energy Impulse” will grant natural or legal persons who have a Key role in the impulse of renewable energies in Andalusia And that stands out for their leadership in the transition to a more sustainable energy model.

They can participate in this call, individually or grouped, companies, entities and institutions of the territorial scope of Andalusia or developing projects in the Andalusian community. Every applicant can present a proposal that has been carried out or that is being implemented And that he has not been the winner of another prize before.

The candidates will have to appear between the March 15 and May 5 this year Through an online form, where participants have to record a detailed memory of the project, together with complementary visual material.

The jury’s decision consisting of members of the board of directors of Claner, representatives of the Andalusian public administration and experts in the field of academic, business and environmental areawill be announced in mid -May and the award ceremony will take place in June, coincide with the annual convention of Claner.

With this initiative, the Andalusian Renewable Energy Association confirms again dedication to energy transition and impulse for a more sustainable modelRecognizing the efforts of those who work for a greener future in the region.

For more information about the registration process and the bases of the competition, Interested parties have access on the Awards website.