Ecological transition wants to increase the sustainability of certain energy consumption of biomass

In addition, The sustainability criteria are reinforced in accordance with the objectives of preserving biodiversity and the prevention of destruction of habitats. The Forest biomass Whose use will be carried out in Spain will meet these criteria, provided that it has the required permits in forestry, because Spain is a low risk country for this purpose.

Efficient use of biomass

It is also established The so -adapted Cascad -use principleThat It wants to give efficient use of biomass, which gives priority to its use as material against its energy consumptionWhere possible. This minimizes the risk of deforming biomass markets as a raw material.

Similarly, it is forbidden to provide new support – or to extend the existing – to the production of energy from forest biomass in only electrical facilities, with some exception, such as in ultra -pantic areas or in fair transition areas.

It is also forbidden to provide direct financial support to the energy consumption of sawmill, troops for sheet metal, rollerhout for industrial use – except that there is no quantitative industry and is technically able to use them profitably -, stumps and carrots.

On the other hand, it is possible that natural gascogenations, in addition to biomass and biogas, can use other gases of renewable origin to produce useful energy. Interested parties can send their allegations until 4 April by him Form available here.