Spelled: An ecological, sustainable and nutritious grain

Spelled: an ecological, sustainable and nutritious grain. The spelled (Triticum spelta) is a very old grain that should not be confused with common wheat (Triticum sativum). Although it belongs to the same family as rye, barley or oats, it is actually a completely different species.

History and origins

Spelled is approximately 9,000 years old. There is evidence that it was cultivated by ancient civilizations in Europe and the Middle East for thousands of years. It is mentioned in the Old Testament and in various Roman and Latin texts.

Many excavations dating back to the Stone Age, both in continental Europe and Britain, have found spelled grains in varying degrees of crushing and even petrified.CX12 61 original

It was very popular until the end of the 19th century, especially in Eastern Europe. So much so that in certain German regions, data from 1850 shows that 94% of the cereal growing area was allocated to spelt and the rest to common wheat.

The rapid decline of this grain was due to the evolution of modern agriculture. Once combine harvesters were introduced, which could harvest common wheat in one process, spelled no longer had a chance to compete.Spelled: an ecological, sustainable and nutritious grain

This is because each grain of spelled is covered with a harder exterior than wheat. It must be removed through an additional procedure before the grain can be milled and turned into flour.

Spelling qualities

Spelled is naturally a complete food. Unlike wheat, where the bran and germ, which form the essential nutrients, are removed during milling, spelled’s most vital and important substances are located in the core of the grain.

Due to the high water solubility of spelled, the vital substances in the grain can be quickly absorbed at the body level. The nutrients are therefore made available to the entire body with a minimum of digestive work.CX15 65 original

Spelled contains more proteins, fats and crude fiber than wheat and also contains large amounts of vitamin B17 (anti-carcinoma). It also contains special carbohydrates, which play a decisive role in blood clotting and stimulate the body’s immune system to increase resistance to diseases.

The protein content is considerably higher, because the amount of essential amino acids (which the body cannot produce itself) also differs between spelled and wheat. In fact, the former contains more cystine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine and tryptophan.

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With spelled you can make a very light bread, with a high nutritional value, with an attractive nutty taste, a soft texture, with good storage properties and that does not leave crumbs when cut.

Health benefits

This is a list of some of the benefits that a balanced diet containing a significant amount of spelled can bring to the body. It is advisable to consult your doctor before using it, especially if you suffer from some degree of celiac disease.

  • It intervenes in the production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes.
  • Promotes the efficiency of the immune system.
  • Strengthens the arteries and heart by reducing spasms.
  • Helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • Reduces joint inflammation.
  • Minimizes liver fat content.
  • Improves digestion and the functioning of the intestinal tract.
  • Protects the kidneys.
  • Combats bladder irritation
  • Strengthens the hair and skin and prevents nail changes.
  • Promotes the absorption of calcium.
  • It intervenes in the formation of collagen.
  • Helps reduce stress and depression.
  • Improves memory.
  • Relieves migraines.
  • It is versatile in use.

Spelled: an ecological, sustainable and nutritious grain

Environmental benefits

Spelled is a plant that does not erode the soil like modern plantations. Therefore, it is a more sustainable crop in the long term. Moreover, it is one of the most effective ways to grow without relying on the application of any chemicals, and even on relatively poor soils.

It is also highly resistant to frost and other adverse and extreme climatic conditions and the exceptionally thick husk of the grain protects it from certain environmental contaminants and insect pests.CX23 41 original

It is an original, pure grain that has not been biologically modified in any way, completely organic and ecological, highly resistant to diseases that often affect modern crop varieties. And it grows successfully without the application of herbicides, pesticides and/or fungicides.

Spelled is stored with its shell intact, which keeps it fresh much longer than other grains. There are scientists who have dared to claim that this protection is so strong that it isolates seed from almost all types of contaminants, even from radioactive fallout. Spelled: an ecological, sustainable and nutritious grain.CX24 71 original