Rome Climate Talks, climate crisis in German cinema


Tell the story climate crisis through the magic of the big screen is the credit of Rome Climate Talks. It is a film festival which, from 6 February to 9 April, will address various aspects of climate change and its consequences for the world with premieres, debates and meetings with important directors.

Climate Talks” is an initiative of the German Foreign Ministry, born in 2023, which takes place worldwide. In Rome there are five free events that you can participate in, upon reservation, which will be held at Goethe-Institut, the Cultural Institute of the Federal Republic of Germany. They were organized by the three German diplomatic representations, in collaboration with ReteZeroWastea network of people who created this important reality with the aim of reducing their waste.

The consequences of the environmental crisis are in the room

The movies Festival consists of five feature films, which represent the best examples of films of the cinema German who address the issue of the climate crisis. During each event the directors, guests and the audience in the theater will give life to a debate to discuss the film and the particular consequence faced by climate change, which now has an impact on many countries around the world.

Among the extremely current issues that will be addressed are:

  • the extinction of wildlife;
  • the pollution caused by plastic;
  • the deforestation;
  • the political and moral responsibilities of many generations who looked away and allowed the ecosystem crisis to reach its current extreme consequences.

The responsibility of industrialized countries towards those of the Third World should not be forgotten. Although they are the least responsible for climate change, they are the ones who are suffering the most devastating consequences. They are therefore unaware victims of the ecological disaster.

«Climate change is already a reality, its impacts affect us all – says the German ambassador to Italy, Hans-Dieter Lucas -. However, it is a reality that we can and must influence. The film festival organized together with the Goethe-Institut of Rome in the context of the “Rome Climate Talks” is part of this important discussion: how do we intend to transform our society and ensure that everyone participates? What are the effects of climate change on other countries and what does this mean for us in Europe?».

The events of the exhibition “Rome Climate Talks”

The film festival will be inaugurated on 6 February, presented by the journalist Cristiana Paternòthe film Everything will change Of Martin Persiel. By the expedient of a road moviethe director tells the story of a group of boys who, in 2054, try to trace the factors and responsibilities that caused the extinction of wildlife.

“Rome Climate Talks” returns on Tuesday 5 March with the screening, presented by the journalist Miriam Mautiof the famous director’s latest documentary Volker Schlöndorffwinner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. The forest makerthis is the title of the documentary, follows the story of the Australian agronomist Tony Rinaudo and its innovative reforestation technology, which, for decades, has demonstrated how the revitalization of trees on the African continent can also promote the health of agricultural land.

On Tuesday 19 March, again at 7.30 pm like all the events under review, the protagonist will be the documentary Plastic Fantastic of the director Isabella Willinger. Presented by the journalist Mauro Donzelli, the screening will give the public the opportunity to reflect on the global crisis caused by plastic, a material that permeates not only our environment but also our own bodies. As evidenced by the images of the documentary, which show the impact of this problem and the urgency of remedying it, there are five hundred times more plastic particles in the oceans than there are stars in our galaxy.

Word to the law a “Rome Climate Talks”

The natural and judicial worlds come together, however, on the occasion of the meeting on March 26th. The film Ecocide Of Andres Veiel takes viewers into the future, when, in 2034, the climate catastrophe becomes the subject of a legal proceeding.

Here the protagonists are two lawyers who have to represent 31 countries in the South of the world. They have in fact requested compensation for damages from the Federal Republic of Germany. This judicial proceeding will provide an opportunity to explore the economic and ecological responsibility of developed countries, as well as to reaffirm the right to the integrity of nature.

“Ökozid” at Andres Veiel (Photo: zero one film / Julia Terjung)

From the environmental crisis to the migration crisis

“Rome Climate Talks” ends Tuesday 9 April with Eldorado Of Markus Imhoof. The director and screenwriter boarded an Italian military ship during theOperation Our sea to make this incredible documentary. With this operation, tens of thousands of people who had shipwrecked in the Mediterranean were brought to safety. Drawing inspiration from a personal memory, the film reveals stories of escape, stories of those who escape by any means, to illegally cross borders in search of their freedom from a world of injustice and abuse.

«Our challenge was to make the invisible visible – explains the director -. Fundamental things are often betrayed by a detail, a look, a laugh. The sum of the irrelevant things sometimes shows the essential. At its core this story is about the conflict between “I” and “we,” about the contrast or interaction between many different things in one».

“Eldorado” raises urgent questions about migration crisis and reveals how this is closely linked to hidden global economic flows.

«These five award-winning films illustrate the consequences of climate change from very different perspectives – concludes Ambassador Hans-Dieter Lucas -. At the same time they make us hope to find solutions to safeguard our planet».