What is healthy living and 8 tips to put it into practice today

Wear one Healthy living In theory it usually seems very simple, but when we have to deal with it every day, everything starts to become complicated. The most important thing is to be very clear that several factors need to be taken into account and the key to everything is to achieve balance.

Is it possible to live a healthy life?

Adopt a style of Healthy living It is above all a philosophy of life. An attitude that makes you feel better, more in harmony with your environment, but also with your mind, your body and especially with yourself.

There are several steps to one Healthy living: how to exercise and eat biological food, nutritious and little processed. In fact, there is an undeniable reality: limiting (even just a little) the consumption of processed products works for everyone.


But for one Healthy living We should not deprive ourselves of everything we want because that would be counterproductive. Remember that there is an important psychological component to our existence that not only should we not ignore, but it is also vital to pay the necessary attention to ensure that it is in good health.

Adopt a style of Healthy living It means that we have to stop our daily lives and observe what we do and how we do it. To change ‘bad’ habits we must first recognize them, accept them and slowly change them.

Routines cannot be changed very abruptly, except for people with strong willpower, which is not the norm. The idea, therefore, is to go step by step, setting ourselves a pace of change and sticking to it, to achieve results and not get discouraged.

8 tips for a healthy life

To feed

The processed and ultra-processed foods They are the first we will see on supermarket shelves. But besides being usually on sale, they are also the ones that contain the least nutrients. Cook yourself and you eat healthier. And if you don’t have time, choose from the healthiest ones. Avoid fried foods, excess spices and chemicals.

Sports activity

Everyone knows what kind of exercise he likes and the mind knows it too. If we force ourselves to practice routines that don’t satisfy us, we will eventually give up. Find the ideal type of exercise for you and enjoy it, because joy is also part of a Healthy living.Healthy living


Run away from toxic people. If they are colleagues at work, at the gym or in a class, limit the interaction to positive things, don’t play the negativity game with them and avoid them if their company is not imposed on you. Choose to spend time with people who contribute to you, not drain your energy.


Spend quality time doing things that make you feel good. No matter how crazy it seems to the rest of your family and friends that you like to paint, take pictures of grandmas knitting, or collect stamps. If it makes you happy, do it.


Having a pet is a very uplifting thing, whether it’s a dog or a pet cat, a reptile, a fish or a small white mouse. From the moment you adopt him into the family, it is your responsibility to ensure that his needs are met, so you need to be prepared for that. Once they get into a routine, all you have to do is enjoy their company and care.


Throw away or give away anything that is broken and you know full well that you will never fix it. Donate all those things that you don’t use or that bring back negative memories, bad memories, or that you just don’t like. Stick to what really makes you feel good. But do it right, don’t forget to put it into practice 4 R’s recycling.

Mental health

If you have the impression that you are not as happy as you think you can be. Or you have moments when negativity overtakes you and you see everything ‘black’, ask for help. Mental health is a primary factor in having diabetes Healthy living.

To elect

Make a conscious choice every day to… Healthy living and plan what you need to do to achieve it. And don’t forget that being happy is one of the most important components, so strive for that every day.

The fundamental thing is to remember that we only have one life and we cannot waste it, because time that passes does not return. We can’t even recover for a second from what has already happened. But we can plan whatever we want, for the majority of those before us.