Spain will mass produce the fuel everyone wants: allocates 1 billion euros for this mega project

Spain will mass produce one flammable that many want. Allocates 100 million to a mega project that will mark a before and after. He Basque hydrogen corridor It has 50 projects from its partners, 70% of which are active, after closing a historic 2023 for the association with the implementation of the projects that lead the sector in terms of Europe. The chairman of Hall (BH2C), Joseph Ignatius Zudairetook stock of the year 2023 during the annual meeting of the association in the new headquarters: the Edificio Energy Intelligence Center (EIC) located in Abanto-Zierbena (Bizkaia).

He highlighted that last year, through the H2 Site company, the world’s first palace alloy membrane production plant was put into operation to obtain hydrogen from ammonia or methanol. Moreover, it opened the H2 Salt by Nortegasthat stimulates the injection of green hydrogen (the flammable that everyone wants) in the current natural gas network.

So does the company Irrizar launched its first prototype of a hydrogen bus. Testing of the CAF and Talgo hydrogen trains began.


Calvero launched its standardized range of hydrogen generators in three sizes and Petronor has put the first electrolyzer (2.5 megawatts) into use in Euskadi. It has been an intensive year for the association based in Spain. However, it appears that this has only been a time to gain momentum and continue to make progress. For BH2C2023 was an epic year for the institution and its more than 70 partners.

He has completed 85 activities to take away Basque hydrogen corridor into a strategic situation Spain j Europe.

Spain continues to make progress in the most sought-after fuel

Currently, the association has 50 projects from its partners covering the entire value chain. A call for help has been submitted for 31 of these, approval has already been granted for 22 and an application has been submitted for 70%. The association defends that these projects only need ‘clear European legislation and the support of European funds to become reality’.

With new opportunities continuing to arise in 2023, 2024 is expected to be no different. BH2C wants to boost its internal activities by facilitating “synergies and collaborations” and promoting “the development of various projects”.

This year, they want to optimize the challenges of the various public assistance programs and further consolidate their image and their initiative in the field of hydrogen at national and international level. The hallway It has planned an investment of over 1,100 million euros for the period between 2023 and 2026. It was founded in 2021 to develop a renewable hydrogen economy in the Basque Country and all indications are that he will not stop until he has achieved it.

José Ignacio Zudaire, president of BH2C, has provided details of his ambitious projects

The chairman of the HB2C, Joseph Ignatius Zudairetalked about some of the projects he has in hand, such as the world’s first palace alloy membrane factory to obtain hydrogen from harmonica or methanol, the inauguration of the Nortgegàs H2Sarea (which encourages the injection of green hydrogen into the current natural gas production network) and the production of the first prototype of a hydrogen bus, mentioned in the previous paragraphs.

The work of BH2C It’s so relevant that Mission Innovation and Partnership for Clean Hydrogen has recognized and certified the institution as a global example of Hydrogen Valley. The leader dedicated a special mention to the need for cooperation that strengthens people and makes them believe in their goals, in addition to the importance of participation in fairs and events.