Vote for animals: NGOs encourage putting animal welfare at the heart of the 2024 EU elections

The bell Vote for Animals was recently launched by the Eurogroup for Animals and encourages EP candidates to stand up for animals, while educating citizens about the importance of these elections for progress on animal rights. animal welfare in the EU it helps them choose candidates who share their values ​​and encourages them to vote.

Vote for animals: commitment of future MEPs

MEP candidates are encouraged to agree Vote for Animals to sign an agreement establishing a clear commitment to work to improve animal welfare if elected to the European Parliament (EP).

It consists of ten petitions, covering, among other things, the transport of live animals, the import of products of animal origin, the welfare of aquatic species, non-animal science and wildlife conservation.


By making this pledge, the candidates commit to representing EU citizens’ demands for better animal welfare legislation. European citizens have been very vocal in demanding that the EU do better for animals.

Six out of ten successful European citizens’ initiatives concern animal welfare. For example: 1.5 million citizens have asked for a Europe without fur (Fur-free Europe) and 1.4 million called for an urgent transition to cage-free farming systems.

Last Eurobarometer showed that more than nine in ten Europeans believe it is essential to ensure the welfare of farm animals. While an overwhelming majority emphasized the importance of better protection of captive animals throughout their lives.

Elected Members of the European Parliament have the power to advance animal welfare issues, ensure it remains a priority on the EU agenda, have their say on issues that need to be addressed and vote in the interests of animals.

During the current legislature, a significant number of MEPs have raised critical issues such as the delay in publishing animal welfare legislation, the horrific nature of live animal transport and the sad reality of fur farms. That is why it is so important that every citizen joins the campaign Vote for Animals.

Vote for Animals: Intergroup Animal Welfare and Nature Conservation

Elected representatives who support Vote for Animalsthey also have the opportunity to join the Intergroup on Animal Welfare and Conservation, which provides a cross-party platform for Members of the European Parliament to debate and exchange views on animal welfare issues and to initiate and advance related initiatives in the EP promote. The campaign page Vote for Animals It has been translated into all official EU languages ​​and citizens are encouraged to send a message to their representatives asking them to sign the pledge.