Finland lives in the 22nd century: the first solar oven in history that prepares food at home without using electricity

Once again, the Finnish nation surprised the European Union with its revolutionary inventions that have a beneficial impact on improving energy consumption and reducing climate change. Now all the details of the first solar ovensuitable for home use without a touch of electricity.

Finland, the country where sustainability is the official religion; and his god, the planet

Finland has become fast one of the most environmentally friendly countries and its commitment is not just limited to that, but the country is constantly looking for new opportunities to keep its resources sustainable, besides promoting and innovating with its inventions to take care of the ecosystem.

This strong commitment on the part of Finland to the conservation of the ecosystem and its natural resources is clearly visible at government level and in various private sectors, benefiting all social sectors, especially small and medium-sized gastronomic businesses.


The first solar oven in history that you can have in your home

This Finnish invention has revolutionized the daily lives of millions of families and businesses, not only nationally, but around the world, as we are talking about the first solar oven developed specifically for home use with easily accessible products.

Among these remarkable innovations, two types of Lytefire can be presented. The Lytefire Artisan with a semi-professional purpose, designed exclusively for bakers and chefs in general who seek greater ecological responsibility in the performance of their professional tasks.

On the other hand, the company also presents Lytefire Deluxe, which has a peculiarity that distinguishes it from the Artisan and that is that it has a small trailer attached to it, which allows it to be moved to different places with complications, this would greatly benefit to small and medium-sized producers within the culinary world.

Both Lytefire models offer optimal conditions for use in family homes, eco-villages, institutions that want to reduce economic expenditure and also reduce the impact on the environment, in addition to the possibility of being implemented in campsites, events and educational companies. Being the latter model, it is easy to transport because it is connected to a trailer.

A look at this solar oven: this way you can prepare food without electricity

The operation of Lytefire’s recent invention is extremely simple to understand, just like collecting and using sunlight in large quantities through curved mirrors, until it can be concentrated in a furnace to a temperature of 300°C, enough to make a prepare large amounts of food.

To use it, keep in mind that the device in question must be located in a flat space with a radius of 7 meters, where it receives sunlight for the required time. It is important to avoid trees, shadows or equipment that could interfere with operation. with the sunlight receiving panels, taking into account all these recommendations, the Lytefire can have a lifespan of up to 19 years.

This oven in question stands out enormously for its high efficiency, with a large hob and a food dehydrator, this also contributes to the correct heat distribution within the rotisserie spit. These functions will not only allow you to prepare a long list of dishes, but the consumption of electrical energy will be zero.

In this way, Finland represents significant progress in the search for new and intelligent devices that are sustainable and respect the world and its delicate ecosystem. By taking action with the technologies as they are, society is gradually integrating more and more ecological and sustainable practices.