We are guilty of destroying biodiversity: these 15 images prove it and make others feel ashamed

The destruction of biodiversity It is a fact and the perpetrators are people. Plant and animal species are disappearing at an increasingly rapid pace as a result of anthropogenic activities. What are the causes and why does it matter? biodiversity?

All organisms on our planet depend on the complex network that exists between physical resources essential for survival: air, water, soil, food and a healthy environment.

The destruction of biodiversity in images. The human species has evolved beyond just the physical needs of life. Diversity also provides us with intellectual and spiritual inspiration that gives meaning to life. And that stimulates scientific research and the search for knowledge. But unfortunately our actions have changed the situation ecosystem global. And at this point, no one is in a position to know where the line is that we shouldn’t cross before we say we’ve gone too far.


Each habitat has a very special, special and functional balance, which means that the species living in it have a direct relationship of dependence with the environment. Environment and between them. The breakdown of this balance causes great harm to the individuals who populate it.

Deforestation and destruction of biodiversity

Not only animals depend on the existence of trees in jungles, forests and mountains for their livelihood and shelter. Other plant species also need shade, humidity, humidification and mineralization of the soils they supply, etc.destruction of biodiversity

The indiscriminate felling of trees in certain parts of the world has very negative consequences for the local environment, but this aggression is reflected in the global environment. In fact the destruction of biodiversity At a local level it is not just limited to those spaces, but the effects are global.destruction of biodiversity

Because of the deforestation A significant number of species have already been lost and eventually became extinct because they were endemic to some regions and disappeared. The images of the destruction of biodiversity They are beyond eloquent and show the consequences of our actions.destruction of biodiversity

But the diversity of animal and plant species is so great that it is estimated that a huge number of specimens have perished due to changes in their composition. Environment special. Many of them are not even taxonomized and sometimes without their existence being known.destruction of biodiversity

For this reason, it is not only essential to put an end to this evil that also affects the oxygen supply of the earth’s air. If not, measures should be taken to reforest the affected areas and try to ensure that the species are reintroduced to these areas once they have recovered.destruction of biodiversity

Pollution is critical to the destruction of biodiversity

Both in terms of water (seas, oceans and rivers), as well as land and air, pollution It causes great damage to the health of plants and animals. They are all victims of people’s excessive ambition and laziness when it comes to caring for the environment.destruction of biodiversity

This not only affects the health of current specimens, but also causes certain diseases that are transmitted to subsequent generations. Radiation leaks have caused deformities and defects that reduce the evolutionary potential of species. destruction of biodiversity

Each oil spill or dumping of toxic substances into the waters takes the lives of countless plants and animals of all sizes and creates an ecological imbalance in the environment that takes a long time to restore. And the ecocides They are becoming more and more numerous and deplorable.destruction of biodiversity

Human waste causes unnecessary deaths, such as turtles or seals swallowing bags thinking they are jellyfish, or fish confusing plastic with plastic. microplastics with food. Or thousands of animals that eat waste and ultimately poison, drown or become ill.destruction of biodiversity

In some places the air is unbreathable for people due to the high concentration of gases and particles floating in it. People have to resort to masks to survive, but animals don’t have that chance and neither do plants.destruction of biodiversity

Changes in water affect the destruction of biodiversity

The melting of the poles and the change in the pH of the water due to the global warming and the resulting climate change has had serious consequences for all animals and plants that depend on the delicate natural balance of their environment. The destruction of biodiversity It’s becoming clearer.destruction of biodiversity

Polar bears fainting due to starvation, mass death of fish, poisoning of mangroves, excessive growth of algae due to the phenomenon called eutrophication are some of the examples of the huge problem that changes in water have on the biodiversity of certain places . The nature He suffers and drowns and we humans look the other way.destruction of biodiversity

We are endangering life on our planet through the destruction of biodiversity

The problem that arises from the decrease and loss of biodiversity It turns out to be harmful to all creatures that populate the earth. We humans also depend on restoring the delicate balance of systems so that the environment recovers, especially since we are largely responsible for this.destruction of biodiversity

What we don’t seem to know is that we all live on the same planet. That is the only one known so far that can support carbon-based life. Therefore, it is necessary that urgent and effective measures are taken so that we are no longer the leader worst neighbors on earth.

It is time that we make serious efforts to achieve a certain degree of coexistence with other living beings, according to our level of reasoning. Because soon it will be too late to repent. And it will be useless for us to World Day for Biological Diversity, because there is nothing left to protect. The destruction of biodiversity It will end us too.destruction of biodiversity