There are many candidates to be the most important people for the Environment. Scientists who have made key discoveries to improve the environment, activists who were murdered for fighting for the protection of the earth, environmentalists who have founded movements that today are the voice of nature, popularizers who bring us closer to the wonders of the most remote places. and wonderful places on Earth and urge us to take care of it, all of them make up this list of eco-famous people.
Most important people for the Environment
In reality there are many more, but it is necessary to opt for some, that is why we have chosen these 9 characters, who are representative of many others that could also make up the list of the most important people for the Environment.
Albert “Al” Gore
American politician, former vice president, philanthropist and lawyer, he is considered a “green politician,” since 1976, when he first served as a congressman. He is a staunch defender of the environment and the need to make people aware of the problems that afflict it. The film in which he starred, “An Inconvenient Truth” gave a lot to talk about. And he received an Oscar for the best documentary of 2007. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award (International Cooperation).

Brigitte Bardot
Former actress and singer and current activist and philanthropist, after a long film career, she retired from the big screen in 1974, immediately after turning 40. From that moment on she dedicated herself to the protection of animals. In 1976 she created a Foundation that bears her name and she was firmly dedicated to fighting for endangered species, which is why she is on this list of most important people for the Environment. Additionally, it supports organizations around the world that defend animal rights.
Charles David Keeling
Doctor in Chemistry, scientist and researcher, he was a pioneer in the 1950s in studying the quantities of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere. And in expressing his concern about massive industrialization, to the astonishment of his colleagues. That although they respected his conclusions, they were reluctant to see the true consequences and danger that this phenomenon implied, what we know today as “global warming.”
Francisco “Chico” Mendes
He was a rubber collector in the Amazon jungle and in an attempt to preserve sources of work, he founded the Union that brought together his co-workers and truck drivers. Thus began a fight that would end up costing him his life. He was the 1st president of the Brazilian Workers’ Union. He won a medal for environmental work (from the Better World Society). And the Global 500 award granted by the United Nations. He was murdered at the door of his home by two landowners who saw him as a threat to his estates.
Jacques Cousteau
A true discoverer of underwater wonders, this naval officer of French origin was also a biologist, oceanographer, researcher, inventor, scientist and professional diver. He is considered one of the most respected popularizers of his time, thanks to the rigor and veracity of his discoveries. From the beginning he was a great activist who spoke out against the indiscriminate handling of radioactive waste. And a fervent defender of non-nuclear energy.
Jane M. Goodall
An English anthropologist, ethologist and primatologist, she has lived in Tanzania for more than 55 years, interacting with chimpanzees and fighting for their rights. She is considered the world’s leading expert on these apes. And she is an advocate for forest conservation and environmental protection. Jane Goodall is without a doubt one of the most important people for the Environment.
Masanobu Fukuoka
Japanese biologist, farmer and philosopher, inventor of the so-called “natural agriculture”, based on the observation of the cycles of nature and respect for native ecosystems. His method is aimed at ensuring that man’s intervention is punctual. And he advocates not plowing, using pesticides, pruning or weeding in order to preserve biodiversity.
Hans Lucas “Luc” Hoffmann
Austrian ornithologist, botanist, zoologist, conservationist and philanthropist of Viennese origin, he was one of the co-founders of the global organization WWF (WorldWildlifeFund or World Wildlife Fund). He and one of the promoters of the Convention of Ramsar. Whose objective focuses on the protection of wetlands and the migratory birds that populate them.
Wangari Muta Maathai
Biologist, veterinarian, ecologist, environmental activist and politician, this woman born in Kenya dedicated herself body and soul to fighting for the reversal of the effects of global warming, which causes the desertification of many areas of Africa, where he planted millions of trees since his founding “Green Belt Movement”. She received the Nobel Peace Prize for her defense of women’s rights and her tireless fight for reforestation.