What is MITECO: we tell you everything about this ministry of crucial importance for the environment

He MITECO is the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. This ministry has powers in biodiversity and just transition, developing the structure up to the organic level of general subdirectorate, also defining the powers of each of its bodies. He MITECO includes:

  • The Institute for the Just Transition,
  • The Secretary of State for Energy, which includes the General Subdirectorate of Prospective, Strategy and Regulations in Energy Matters to pace energy decarbonization
  • The General Directorate of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification which deals with forestry policy and the fight against desertification
  • A General Secretariat for the Demographic Challenge is completed by the General Subdirectorate of Analysis, Planning and Coordination and the General Subdirectorate of Initiatives

The body is responsible for Just Transition policies and has been created on the basis of the current Institute for the Restructuring of Coal Mining and Alternative Development of Mining Regions (IRMC). It deals with the reactivation of mining regions and the new realities derived from the transformation processes and closure of coal and nuclear thermal power plants.

Likewise, the Institute will promote the coordination of industrial, education, vocational training or employment policies, to name a few examples, to create synergies that help the territories affected by the closures of thermal power plants in the reactivation processes.


Decarbonization planning

Inside of the MITECO, In addition to the launch of the Just Transition Institute, the Secretary of State for Energy, there is the General Subdirectorate of Prospective, Strategy and Regulations in Energy Matters, which seeks to enhance the analysis and evaluation capacities of the sectors. energy in the short, medium and long term.

Its mission is to pace the decarbonization of the economy in compliance with the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 and the Long-Term Strategy, which marks the path towards climate neutrality in 2050.

Among other functions, this Subdirectorate is responsible for the development of energy planning and strategy, within the framework of the commitment to long-term climate neutrality. From the creation of demand projections for energy products, the analysis of consumption series and energy prices by sectors and products, the monitoring of current and sectoral energy indicators. And carrying out analysis of energy studies and statistics, based on renewable energy.

Also the coordination and monitoring of adaptation to European Union regulations. And the monitoring, notification and verification of the international commitments signed by Spain in relation to the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plans and the Long-Term Decarbonization Strategy.

Environmental departments

One of the main objectives of MITECO focuses on environmental policies focused on biodiversity. For this there are the General Directorate of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification and the General Directorate of Quality and Environmental Assessment, in addition to the General Directorate of Water, the General Directorate of the Coast and the Sea and the Spanish Office of Climate change.


The General Directorate of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification It integrates two subdirectorates (Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity and Forest Policy). Likewise, the Autonomous Organization of National Parks (OAPN) and the Biodiversity Foundation are attached to it.

Biodiversity skills

Inside of the MITECO, The General Subdirectorate of Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity exercises powers in matters of biodiversity in the terrestrial environment, both in coordination of the policies of protected natural spaces and that of threatened species.

It also handles responsibilities regarding the conservation of biodiversity in the marine environment, also assuming direct management responsibilities for nearly a hundred places in the Red Natura 2000 marine, between Special Conservation Areas and Special Protection Areas for Birds.

He MITECO is the administrative management authority of the CITES Convention, the environmental agreement whose purpose is the protection of threatened species of wild fauna and flora by controlling their trade. Its mission not only has local and national effects, but also tends to align our country with the other Member States of the European Union, in which the management authority lies with the environmental administration.

Forest policy and circular economy

The General Directorate of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification, the Subdirectorate of Forestry Policy and the fight against Desertification, concentrates in the same general direction the basic pillars of environmental management (Forest Policy, Biodiversity and National Parks). This subdirectorate also integrates the national forest fire extinguishing operation, with a significant deployment of aerial means and extinction brigades, which provide support to all the autonomous communities in this task.

The General Directorate of Biodiversity, Forests and Desertification assumes international representation before the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity and other conventions, and will act as focal point before the International Whaling Commission and before the competent community bodies.

The General Directorate of Quality and Environmental Assessment integrates three subdirectorates: Circular Economy, formerly Waste, which aims to promote the transition from a linear model to a circular one. Clean Air and Industrial Sustainability, with the aim of reducing atmospheric pollution and achieving a healthy environment for citizens. And the Environmental Assessment subdirectorate.

Demographic challenge

The idea within MITECO is to consolidate an area of ​​the General Administration of the State focused on the coordination of public actions and the design of specific policies to face the demographic challenge and fight against the depopulation that seriously affects certain geographic areas of the country.

The General Secretariat for the Demographic Challenge relies, for the development of its functions, on the General Directorate of Policies against Depopulation, which has assigned as general objectives the conception of strategies, plans and priority actions regarding the demographic challenge. To carry out these responsibilities, the Royal Decree creates the General Subdirectorate of Analysis, Planning and Coordination and the General Subdirectorate of Initiatives.

Among other functions, the General Secretariat works to promote public-private collaboration for public policies of territorial structuring and population fixation in rural areas, as well as the promotion of citizen participation in initiatives regarding the demographic challenge. and the promotion of equal opportunities and non-discrimination based on residence in areas at risk of depopulation.