The photovoltaic plane doesn’t exist yet, but Spain has created something better: 41,000 solar panels for it

He photovoltaic plane It doesn’t exist yet, but Spain has created something much better: 41,000 solar panels with a clear purpose. If the largest megaproject in history with 50 billion solar panels has captivated you, the news that follows will leave you speechless. It is no secret that the world is immersed in a profound energy transition due to the high levels of pollution caused by fossil fuels.

Although fossils have been the great allies of man and industrial progress for decades, today they are being blamed for the rise of global warming and climate change. Humanity no longer knows how to live without energy, but the emissions of gases such as benzene-pyrene, carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide are too much. The fossils are too many.

That is why both companies dedicated to the energy sector and various countries of the world are looking for the production of renewable energy. Installations are being placed in unprecedented places and agreements are being made that would have been unthinkable years ago. One of these shocking news reports comes from the Spanish public company Aena.

The photovoltaic plane does not exist, but Spain is ‘cooking’ something better: solar panels are crucial

Aena will allocate 35 hectares of the airport Manises to one photovoltaic installation of 22 million. The power plant will have a capacity of 25 MW and will contain more than 41,000 panels. It will be next to the base of the IT and close to the A-3. Aenamanager of the Spanish airport network, has plans to develop what will become one of the largest photovoltaic installations near the city center of Valenciaspecifically at the airport Manises.

The company already processes with the Stands the permit for which a total budget of 22.25 million euros is being considered, including other expenses outside the works. According to the public information included in the processing before the Generalitat Valenciana, Aena It will lead 35.41 hectares to the energy infrastructure, which will be physically divided into two zones, in addition to an electrical substation and an underground line for evacuation to the network of approximately 5 km in length.


The planned location is located near the UN telecommunications and logistics base and the airport services area, close to the A-3, in the area opposite the passenger terminal area. This is recorded in the plans associated with the project. The use of that location has consequences for the municipalities Manises j Quarter the Poblet.

In recent years, this company has been working on a plan to achieve greater profitability with airport land than what air passenger transport can offer. As for the airport of Valenciawants to use more than 258,000 m2 of land for the installation of solar panels.

Why do we need a photovoltaic aircraft? Spain has something much better: thousands of solar panels

According to Aenathe arrival of the solar power plant Valencia airport It is considered a public work of general interest and is expected to be useful for the next 25 years. The plant’s annual production will be 44,165 MWh, a figure that will reduce a total of 8,607 tons of CO2 per year.

At this moment, Aena is implementing an ambitious photovoltaic energy plan across its network of airports everywhere Spain. In fact, it recently announced the allocation of the construction of factories in that of Barcelona, ​​Reus and Malagaalthough they won’t be as big as the project of Valencia.

Although he photovoltaic plane does not exist, Spain is already preparing something better with a project worth 41,000 solar panels. An idea that is as revolutionary as the implementation of solar panels on roads.