77th LMHI World Congress of Homeopathy, Seville from October 2 to 5, 2024

Guillermo Basauri, one of those responsible for the successful organization of this World Congress, answered some questions and announced that they will meet there. experts in the field of homeopathy come from all over the world.

Guillermo Basauri He is a homeopathic doctor and spokesperson for the National Assembly for Homeopathy (ANH). He is one of the people responsible for the 77th LMHI World Congress of Homeopathy, which will take place in Seville from October 2 to 5.

General outline of the 77th World Congress of Homeopathy

Can you give us the general outline of the 77th World Congress? Homeopathy of the LMHI?

At this conference we will enjoy the presence of professionals from all over the world, sharing their experiences experiences with the use of homeopathy in healthcareNot only of people, but also of animals and even plants.

In addition, we will talk about the current state of research, the situation of homeopathy in different countriesof some of the solidarity homeopathy projects being developed around the world and the role played by user associations homeopathy in the normalization and promotion of this therapy, both at a social and institutional level, among many other issues. On the conference website you can view all aspects related to the event in detail.



Can you tell us about this year’s news?

In this sense, the most relevant is undoubtedly the presence and participation of associations of tomeopathy users, both national and international. This recognizes its fundamental role in the defense and normalization of homeopathyboth at a social and institutional level.

In Spain

At what point is the homeopathy in Spain? And in the world?

This will, as it cannot be otherwise, become a widely discussed topic at a conference attended by experts homeopathy from all over the world. In Spain, the homeopathic medicines already have health and legal status identical to that of the rest of the medicines, with a legal framework similar to that of the rest of Europe, with final registrations and national codes granted by the Spanish Medicines and Health Products Agency.

Despite this, there is still a significant lack of knowledge among EU healthcare administrations benefits and therapeutic potential of homeopathy in the health care of the population. In fact, we hope that this congress in Seville will serve to raise awareness among many people who, at these levels, have to make decisions about the health care of all Spaniards.

On the other hand, paradoxically, The general population, by and large, relies on homeopathy.as shown by the latest studies conducted, to the point that almost 9 out of 10 people who have used it are satisfied or very satisfied with the results obtained in the treatment of their conditions.

allopathic doctors

Is allopathic medicine still trying to prevent the spread of… homeopathy among the Spanish population?

I believe most doctors have one very biased and confusing knowledge about homeopathyknowledge they have acquired through the media, who have an interest in creating an opinion that is contrary to homeopathy.

That said, I think it is really important to continue to train and inform, in a truthful and rigorous manner, the current clinical and scientific reality of homeopathy for all health professionals who want it.

From the National Assembly of Homeopathy We have been working on this endeavor for a long time and share this through our website Homeopathy Add all scientific and clinical knowledge of this medical therapy.

In other countries

To what extent does the homeopathy Is it more or less advanced in Spain than in our surrounding countries?

Spain is without a doubt not the model country in our area institutional standardization of homeopathy. Countries such as France, Belgium, Italy, Germany or Switzerland, to name just a few examples, have much stronger institutional support.

Outside our area, countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Colombia or India are references for us institutional development of homeopathy. As I said, during this congress we will have the opportunity to exchange experiences that will help us move forward in this sense here in Spain.


Tell us about the crowdfunding you are doing for this conference.

A conference of this size entails very important logistical costs and we thought it would be fun and interesting to give all people who want the opportunity to support homeopathy in this country by collaborating financially in the organization of the Congress, so that this event has the greatest impact and dissemination, both in society and in the institutions of this country.

United to keep moving forward.” This is the motto and the spirit of this 77th World Congress of Homeopathy of the LMHI and it seemed to us that a crowdfunding initiative could be an ideal way to join forces of all those people who would like to join the effort to homeopathy in Spain and in the world.

The invitation has already been made: from October 2 to 5, the meeting with homeopathic medicine and national and international specialists in the sector will take place in Seville, at the 77th World Congress of Homeopathy.