Farewell to solar panels, the future is this fence: it produces energy with little wind, and it is quiet

The world of renewable energies is growing day by day and offering great results in the search for more sustainable and sustainable alternatives to forget about the generation of energy from highly polluting fossil fuels that are harmful to the environment. In this important energy transition, solar energy is on everyone’s radar, but there is something much better.

A new opportunity for wind generators

The world of sustainable energy has long been focused on generating electricity from solar panels and photovoltaic cellsbut currently there are more and better ways to obtain energy without pollution. Now wind energy, which has been overshadowed by photovoltaics, is making giant strides and gaining ground in the sector.

As many know, one of the major problems with wind energy is that it has long been linked to large infrastructures that can hinder the spaces in which they are installed. That is why wind generators are not usually implemented in traditional homes, but now a new innovation promises to change this completely.

It is important to mention that Spain has a large number of projects related to wind energy. These are installed in large parks or on the open sea, taking advantage of the large air gusts found in the sea and using them to generate energy. of sustainable clean energy.

How is this new system put together?

Well, a few years ago a new way to generate wind energy. The strangest thing was that the device in question bore no resemblance to the traditional wind generators we see along the roads of Spain. This has the striking feature that it resembles a traditional fence that you surround your home with.

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The company that has managed to bring this innovative photovoltaic fencing to the market is called Airivathe result of two extensive years of research was strange but useful wind turbine with a scalable and intelligent modular system. We are talking about a series of eight vertically arranged turbines with propeller shapes that rotate simultaneously.

These fences wind energy They are placed in a frame that is about twice the size of an average-height person. This means that several can be applied in succession and create a fence that protects your home and can also generate completely clean energy.

Important features of this wind channel

We can start by emphasizing that the company was inspired by a safe, transportable and, above all, silent system in creating this innovation. We are talking about a unit with two segments of 1.05 wide and 2.1 m long and high. The device has now also been designed to easily connect to the electricity grid, use the energy generated from this wind fence or easily store it.

One of the most important facts about this generator is that it can be easily adapted to different environments, depending on the needs of each family and the function they want to give to the wind turbine. In this way, this innovative tool can be an excellent solution for families who want to implement some renewable energy sources in their home.

This development opens up new possibilities for wind energy, which until now has been limited to large infrastructures. With a flexible, quiet and adaptable design to any environment, this could be the solution by easily integrating into home and urban environments, providing a sustainable and efficient alternative to conventional systems.