Forest fires in Portugal ‘suffocate’ Galicia

Los forest fires of Portugal, they ‘suffocate’ Galicia: the polluting particles it transports increase mortality from cardiorespiratory diseases in Galicia. He in itwhich has already darkened the sky Galiciawill extend this weekend through the north and reach France.

The multiples The multiples forest fires who are registering in Portugal Since the last 3 days they have remained throughout this day, especially active in the central and northern areas. Today they remain active, throughout the country, a total of 144 fires.

The meteorological conditions, with high temperatures and low humidity, together with an urban-forest interface composed of scrub and trees and rugged terrain, make the efforts to extinguish the multiple forest fires they look difficult.

Portugal keeps some deployed 1,161 ground troops and 14 air assets in the forest fires in Alijó (Vila Real), Torre de Moncorvo (Braganza) and Guarda, in which Spanish media also operate. who are registering in Portugal In recent days they have remained throughout this weekend, especially active in the central and northern areas. They remain active, throughout the country, a total of 144 fires.

The meteorological conditions, with high temperatures and low humidity, together with an urban-forest interface composed of scrub and trees and rugged terrain, make extinction efforts difficult.

Portugal has deployed some 1,161 ground troops and 14 air assets in the forest fires in Alijó (Vila Real), Torre de Moncorvo (Braganza) and Guarda, in which Spanish media also operate.

The impact of the devastating forest fires that have devastated the north of Portugal He has not been left alone on that side of the Raya. The smoke from the fires has already darkened the sky of Galicia and throughout the weekend it is expected to extend for a good part of the northern Spaineven reaching France.

These forest fireswhich have already caused seven deaths, break the good streak in terms of large forest fires that carried the Iberian Peninsula this year and Almost 100,000 hectares have already been burned between the different outbreaks. To put it in context, the worst forest fire in the history of our country, the Riotinto in Huelva in 2004, burned almost 30,000.

For this reason, and according to the magnitude of the forest firesit is expected that the smoke impact be big. In cities like Vigo, smoke has turned the sun a striking reddish color.has left a particular burning smell and at times has been so dense that it has even covered the Rande bridge that crosses the estuary.

The most important impact, however, is the sharp decline in air quality. The smoke from forest fires transports particulate matter, tiny particles, imperceptible to the human eye, but dangerous for health.

Forest fires: more deaths from cardiorespiratory diseases

We verify that when there is forest fires There is an increase in particulate matter and in turn an increase in hospital admissions for cardiorespiratory diseases. Besides, increased mortality from cardiac and respiratory causes due to this increase in particulate matter.

The analyzes of Copernicusthe European atmospheric observation service, show “significant” levels of emissions of two particles, PM10, ten microns in diameter, and PM2.5, 2.5 microns or less. The latter, being so small“it is capable of entering the bronchi, passing into the bloodstream and from there damaging any organ, that is why it is so dangerous”adds Tarín.

Their 2017 fire study found a 2.34% increase in deaths related to cardiorespiratory diseases for each additional increase of ten micrograms per cubic meter of PM10 in the two days after the fires in Portugal. Then, the smoke reached the United Kingdom and remained there for up to seven days.

Attention to people with respiratory diseases, in the face of smoke caused by forest fires

With the current forest fireshe in it has spread over a good part of Galiciay 40% of stations currently give an index of poor or very poor air quality.

It especially affects Ourense and the interior of Lugoalthough the presence of these particles has already been certified in Asturias and Cantabria and the AEMET expects it to advance throughout the entire northern third of the Peninsula during the weekend.

Experts recommend Avoid leaving the house as much as possible and, above all, practice physical activity outdoors. in affected areas, especially vulnerable groups, such as people with respiratory diseases, such as asthma, children and the elderly.

The magnitude of this forest fire it is such that Portugal has broken the record for carbon dioxide emissions —a gas that contributes to climate changebut it does not have the same impact as these particles on health—in one month, according to Copernicusemitting 1.4 megatons, of which 1.3 are attributed to the fire.

The rain will improve the forest fire situation in the coming days

Although the particles are invisible, “smoke can be seen and smelled”recalls Martín, who cites the case of in it of the fires in Canada that this summer reached Spain. “Some people who were in high areas, at 1,000 or 1,500 meters, smelled the in it«.

In Vigo or Ourense They have already noticed that visibility decreases considerably, especially at dawn or dusk, which have reddish tones. In the next few days the smoke could reach the western part of Spainsuch as Extremadura or Castilla y León, although it will already be very diffused and will not cause such a sharp decrease in the air quality.

It is expected that the rainwhich has already begun to fall in the affected area of Portugalbetween Aveiro and Portoturn off most lights, and also help disperse the smoke. Starting on the 25th, Martín adds, a cold and precipitation front enters that will practically erase the forest fires.

2024, a good year in terms of forest fires?

Los forest fires of Portugal have cut short the good streak that the Iberian Peninsula regarding large fires. Until September 15, they had burned in our country 45,267 hectares of forest area, almost 50% less than the average of 87,756 hectares in the same period of the year, and very far from the disastrous 2022when they burned more than 250,000 hectares con forest fires devastating like those of the Sierra de la Culebrain Zamora, according to data from the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

The temperatures have been very high, the humidity has been low, and what has been missing is the wind. The year has not yet ended, but this meteorologist points out that autumn weather will predominate during these days, so conditions will not be met a priori for the forest fires.