The photovoltaic sector is satisfied with the update of the PNIEC

He photovoltaic sector satisfied with the update TRUNK: the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) congratulate the MITECO for his efforts renewable energiesespecially for the photovoltaicand emphasizes that the objectives, although ambitious, are necessary to achieve the objectives decarbonization and industrial competitive advantage of our country.

Faced with the purpose of 23% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, as suggested by the former TRUNKthe update of National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC 2023-2030) approved this week, increases the ambition by another nine points, to 32%.

Also increases the weight of renewable energy sources to 48% of final energy consumptionreaching 81% of electricity generation, compared to 42% of the TRUNK former; And improves energy efficiency by up to 43%, compared to 41.7% in 2021.

Moreover, it promotes electrification of the economyand new goals have been introduced, in conjunction with the European ones, such as achieving them 12 GW of electrolyzers to produce green hydrogen j 19 GW self-consumption.

Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) points to the need to make progress on electrification, the impetus for this storage and social acceptance of facilities.


Updating the objectives of the TRUNK presented are especially committed to the development of photovoltaic energy to achieve the desired decarbonization of our countryand represent significant progress towards energy transition and the achieve climate goals.

With these new objectives photovoltaic energy will contribute significantly to the 3.2% increase in GDP which provides for the update of the TRUNK.

Spain is facing an industrial revolution with a competitive advantage in the price of electrical energy

“The challenge is ambitious, but necessary to achieve the objectives decarbonization of our country and strengthen the competitive advantage we currently have. For the first time in history, Spain is facing an industrial revolution with a competitive advantage in the price of electrical energy. thanks to photovoltaic energy, we can produce electrical energy at less than half the price of the European average“, says José Donoso, general manager of the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF).

By Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) they cheer the work and career of Teresa Rivera as Third Vice President of the Spanish Government and Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge: “with this commitment to a TRUNK in accordance with the needs of the country and the trajectory of recent years, Teresa Rivera is completing its work to transform the energy sector, in response to the current needs of both economic growth and the energy sector decarbonization”.

Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) points out that it is possible to achieve the programme’s objectives TRUNK As both society and photovoltaic industry They continue to work together to find solutions that address the challenges facing the sector, with the following standing out:

  • Social acceptance: It is critical that society understands the benefits of photovoltaic projectsthat they are located in appropriate locations and that they do not pose a threat to security or rural development. On the contrary, they offer significant opportunities for these areas.
  • Electrification: Although the decarbonization electricity sector in Spain has been a success, we must take even further and decisive steps towards electrification, replacing fossil fuels with electric energy to achieve real energy transition.
  • Storage: Energy storage is essential to… availability of solar energy outside the hours of radiation. This will ensure supply to consumers and reduce the use of combined cycles for electricity generation. Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) believes that a regulatory framework is needed to encourage this progress.