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What could be a perfect place for install solar panels in Spain? Of course, wherever there is sufficient space that does not hinder the free movement of people; However, there are more important factors to consider. Here we tell you.

In Spain there is a perfect place to install solar panels, but you have to close your eyes

A Royal Decree has recently been issued that will regulate the installation of floating solar panels in reservoirs, which is necessarily linked to the Autonomous Community of Aragon, as it not only covers 10% of the total Spanish territory, but also has 14 reservoirs.

The installation of these photovoltaic panels in the waters of these reservoirs could perhaps make Aragon one of the… main producer of green energy in Spaincurrently in fourth place nationally with 13.5%

However, to surpass communities such as Castilla-La Mancha or Castilla y León in terms of renewable energy production, the surface of reservoirs such as Lanuza, Búbal and El Grado would have to be filled with many floating photovoltaic panels.

Precisely the vision of these panels floating in the waters of these reservoirs is what the Aragonese government is trying to avoid and therefore promoting regulations that expansion of energy generation plans sustainable in the region, or at least the solar type.


Who likes to see a floating black mass in reservoirs?

Some reservoirs in Aragon host important sporting, tourist and cultural events, an example of which is the internationally famous Pirineos Sur festival, which would undoubtedly be hampered if numerous photovoltaic panels were placed on its surface.

On the other hand, even if only 15% of the surface of these reservoirs is occupied, this would prevent their effects Required amount of water for irrigationThis means that agricultural production would be seriously affected, and with it, of course, the economic income of the irrigation companies.

In the same way, filling the surface of reservoirs like Lanuza with these floating solar panels would, according to the President of Aragon, break the image of an idyllic landscape that it has, showing instead an ugly and gigantic black spot.

This means that on the one hand we would obtain more clean energy, but this would be at the expense of the quality of the landscape, which is still an important element in the region’s tourism and recreational plans. .

So the development of plans for the generation of renewable energy by installing floating solar panels in swamps and reservoirs of Aragon has the following main obstacles:

  • Developing sports activities (for example sailing competitions during the festival)
  • Use of irrigation water
  • Damage to the landscape of the reservoirs.

Cute without any energy or ugly with quite a lot of energy

The government of Aragon has made it clear that it is not opposed to the development of renewable energy generation plans. On the contrary, they are happy to become one of the most important Spanish communities generating clean energy. However, they find it difficult to do so Royal decree approved by the Council of Ministers.

In order to generate a greater amount of renewable energy in Aragon, they consider it counterproductive to flood the reservoirs with ugly floating plates that would prevent irrigators from taking the necessary water or from carrying out recreational or sporting activities.

Therefore, the rules promoted in the Aragonese Cortes and supported by the various parliamentary groups are fully justified, regardless of their political color, and seek to stop the installation of photovoltaic panels in reservoirs.

In conclusion, find the perfect place for install solar panels To expand the generation of renewable energy, it is necessary to examine several aspects such as the use of the spaces and even the image, as this will avoid encountering unexpected problems.