Spain wanted to surround the country with energy generators: 90% seems useless, and it is a historic failure

Spain tried to encircle the country power generators. However, their expectations have ended in historic failure. If the regulation of offshore wind energy has caught your attention, you can’t miss the following news. Currently, the world must find new forms of energy supply. Switching to fossil fuels is no longer as attractive as before, so renewable energy sources seem to be the only way to meet demand without causing damage to the environment.

The offshore wind energy It is a source of energy production that uses the power of the wind to generate electricity. The wind moves the propellers of the wind turbines and produces kinetic energy. The same energy is later converted into electricity by means of a direct current wind turbine. Then this current is converted into alternating current with a transformer that increases attention to transport it to the electrical substation. The final step is to distribute it to homes and/or industries.

The capacity of the turbines depends on the height and size of the rotor blades. This form of energy creation has attracted attention Spainwho tried to surround the country with it power generators. However, it seems that 90% is useless and there is talk of a historic failure.

What happened to Spain’s energy producers?

90% of the areas in which the Government to make one use of offshore wind energy poses a major risk to birds in the area. According to a report from SEO/Birdlife. Suggests that zoning regulations be urgently revised to meet offshore renewable energy targets.

The report Risk assessment for seabirds in the areas with high wind energy potential (ZAPER): analysis and recommendations for responsible planning warns of the risk posed by the development of wind energy infrastructure in the United States Zones with High Renewable Energy Potential (ZAPER)regarding seabird conservation.

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Following the approval in February 2023 of the Maritime Space Management Plans (POEM)started the countdown to address legislation that takes into account the criteria of the increases for offshore wind energy development Spain and meet the target set for 2030. This includes between 1 and 3 GW installed.

Before this happens (which won’t be long), SEO/BirdLife has considered it of great importance to ZAPER in risk areas. The risk ranges vary between a “very high” level (scores between 0.75 and 1), “high risk” (between 0.50 and 0.74), “medium risk” (between 0.30 and 0.49) and “low risk” (below 0.30). ).

Spain had high hopes for these energy producers, but they failed

The report warns about this 90% of areas planned for offshore wind energy development have a high or very high risk to birds. The North Atlantic Ocean and the Canary Islands in particular are the most risky for seabirds. It should be noted that all ZAPER They are between a high or very high level. On the other hand, there are the Levantine-Balearic borders and the Narrow j Alboran registering a greater risk for the two globally threatened seabird species (Balearic shearwater and Mediterranean shearwater).

In this context SEO/BirdLife recommends that the Administration carry out an assessment and adapt the zones before the rights are acquired by third parties, a situation that would lead to legal and environmental conflicts.

Spain I tried to cover the country with this power generatorsbut according to the latest research it seems that 90% of the areas are incompatible for this. Would you like to know more about the use of offshore wind? Spain? In this article we explain what the proposals from environmental organizations are.