I Renewable Ammonia Day, on October 22 in La Nave (Madrid)

AEAR will be responsible for the organization of the first day on renewable ammonia which will be held on October 22 in La Nave (Madrid). It will delve deeper into this gas’s role in decarbonization and its potential as a source of clean energy.

Renewable ammonia as a clean energy source

Analyzing in depth the technology of production, transportation and use of renewable ammonia, both in the present and in the future, is the main objective of the 1st Renewable Ammonia Conference”Towards a circular economy: renewable ammonia and his role in it sustainability global”, organized by the Spanish Association for Renewable Ammonia, on October 22 in La Nave (Madrid).

This annual event aims to promote networking between industry experts, researchers and legislators and to be a forum for discussion and exchange around this product that allows us to understand the necessary role of renewable ammonia in the energy transition. analyze the current state of technology for ammonia production renewable, discuss the challenges and opportunities for its implementation in key industries (transport, fertilizers, energy) and present success stories and recent studies on its use at a global level.

Institutions, associations and companies will provide their views on the barriers, needs and opportunities from economic, regulatory and technological perspectives; the state of the art, technological maturity, innovation and the deadlines for its application profitable and sustainable solution; its integration in Spain with renewable energy generation and its role in the hydrogen economy.

Conference participants include the General Directors of Industrial Programs and Energy and Mining Policy, the General Secretary of Innovation, in charge of opening the event; directors of the main Spanish ports and representatives of sector associations such as the National Association of Fertilizer Manufacturers (ANFEE), the Association of Spanish Shipowners (ANAVE), the Spanish Hydrogen Association (AeH2) or the Soermar Technology Center Foundation, with the aim of offering The broadest and deepest look at renewable ammonia.


In addition, the program includes the intervention of major companies in the sector, such as Avalon, Enagás, Tresca Engineering and Advanced Thermal Devices, whose representatives various business projects that are important to the sector.

The day will be celebrated on October 22 in La Nave (Madrid) and registration is freecan be done via the website association. In addition, the Spanish Association for Renewable Ammonia will broadcast the event live via its YouTube channel.

Renewable ammonia can be one of the big enablers in helping the EU and its Member States make a real transition towards the development and use of technologies that use of clean and renewable energy sources.