World Vegetarian Day 2024

World Vegetarian Day 2024. A strict vegetarian is someone who voluntarily stops eating all products of animal origin. But there are also more tolerant variants, in which, although the vast majority of the food you eat is of plant originyou can eat eggs, fish and/or certain dairy products.

What is the purpose of World Vegetarian Day?

It was in 1977 when the Vegetarian Association of North America began celebrating the holiday World Vegetarianism Day adding the support of the International Vegetarian Union a year later.

The main purpose of World Vegetarian Day is to inform and promote the compassion, enjoyment and benefits associated with vegetarianism, for both humans and animals.

What does it mean to be a vegetarian?

Are vegetarian involves following a diet excluding animal meat and seafood. However, there are many variants of vegetarianism. For example, some people identify as pesquetarianwhat that means Fish is the only animal they consume in their diet..

What can vegetarians eat?

Vegetarians can enjoy a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, tofu, nuts, beans, rice and desserts.. There is also a wide range of replacement products and plant-based meat.

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In short, as long as you don’t consume animal meat, you can consider yourself a vegetarian. Naturally, If you follow a pesquetarian diet, avoid eating meat other than seafood..

The biggest implications of vegetarianism are undoubtedly moral in origin, as it is one of the food options chosen those who are committed to animal welfarealthough there are also health reasons, because many people cannot eat meat and others stop it as a preventive measure.

Other reasons to be a vegetarian


Generally in Spain you do not eat the amount of fruits and vegetables that would be desirable. And on the other hand, we eat too much meat, which is not good for our health. Vegetarians do not have problems with animal fats and cholesterol and therefore generally do not suffer from the diseases associated with them.

Less polluting

Livestock farming in general and poultry farming are highly polluting industriesboth water, soil and air, in addition to generating enormous amounts of methane, the worst greenhouse gas.

This implies that its impact on the environment is very harmful. The diet of vegetarians, especially if it is organic, is much less polluting. And it uses significantly fewer resources.

New flavors

Vegetarian cuisine is not only very healthy, but also very tasty. Although there is a big change from the traditional cuisine, which includes different types of food in addition to vegetables offers a world of new sensations, combinations, aromas, textures and colors.

animal welfare

Spaniards eat enormous amounts of chicken, beef, pork, turkey, etc., the vast majority of which were grew up in appalling conditions and crammed into small spaces. Victims of cruel animal abuse, fed non-stop, vaccinated with all kinds of drugs and growth hormones and murdered in a cruel and ruthless manner.

Less hunger in the world

Hunger and higher food costs can be a good incentive to become vegetarian. We should also not forget that a large portion of the grains grown around the world are not used to feed the people who need them. If it doesn’t stop feed the animals consumed by the richest countries. World Vegetarian Day 2024.