Omexom, a brand of VINCI Energies Spain, is carrying out the work on the first renewable tunnel in the Basque Country

The work on this tunnel requires an investment of more than €613,000, contributed by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. Thanks to the installed solar panels and the new lighting system which is based on LED fixtures, energy savings will be up to 80%.

Omexom, a brand of VINCI Energies Spain specialized in the generation, transport, transformation and distribution of electrical energy, has acquired the renovation of electricity and lighting of the Alonsotegi tunnellocated on BI-636 in Vizcaya Province.

The work, which will last approximately four months, has brought the tunnel’s electrical and lighting installations into line with current regulations efficient systems that reduce the ecological footprint and adapt to road conditions, seeking to create an intelligent and sustainable road.

A tunnel renovation in two phases

The work is divided into two phases. The first consisted of equipped the tunnel with a lighting system based on LED technology and dynamic controlwhich is able to adapt the lighting in the tunnel to both the traffic flow on the road in times of less traffic, and to the natural lighting outside the tunnel.

With this system of adaptive lighting and the use of LED technologyit is estimated that average annual consumption will decrease to 157,512 Mw/h per year and a peak demand of 50 kW, which will mean a consumption reduction of 60%.


Moreover, as a new action, the installation of a photovoltaic generation system to further reduce energy consumption and thus help guarantee the electricity supply with an autonomous system.

This system takes into account the energy demand required at times when there is more sun, because the tunnel must be illuminated with a more power inside to reduce the difference in lighting level with outsidethus avoiding the ‘black hole’ effect. The photovoltaic panels provide the tunnel with a greater collection of solar energy, which compensates for this increased energy demand in the tunnel and facilitates safe driving on the road.

He photovoltaic panel system is located in the central reservationnext to the estuary of the Güeñes side, and will have a total of 130 photovoltaic modules of 550 WP each, anchored in the ground, capable of generating 60 kW. This is enough power to supply the tunnel at 100% during times of maximum demand and to help reduce consumption during the remainder of the daytime hours, estimating that over the course of a year a total of 75, 82 MW/h will be generated.

This project fits within the objectives of the company and the Provincial Council of Vizcaya to guarantee the road safety of citizens through sustainable improvements in public infrastructure, promoting a socially and environmentally responsible environment. Moreover, the company provides differential knowledge as an expert in the implementation of renewable energiesdemonstrating the company’s continued commitment to the energy transition.

This is another step on the right path towards the energy transition, which is becoming more necessary to implement every day radically reduce the local and global ecological footprint.