Eating slowly, everything has benefits, here are 6 tips to achieve this

Eat quickly It can behave as if there is no tomorrow swollen abdomen And gas discomfortand most relevant we will arrive. Avoid eating foods that require the use of your handslike sandwiches, at the other end of the scale we have alternatives such as accompany meals with whole, raw foods to slow down too rapid intake.

Have a meal with it less than 15 or 20 minutes, not chewing properly or don’t take breaks between biting and biting are evidence of eating too quickly and contrary to a healthy habit. This behavior is quite common in people with a stressful lifecan become a difficult habit to break. Besides causing stomach upset or gastroesophageal reflux, it can also lead to problems with abdominal distension and gas discomfort.

The long-term effect of this behavior may be related to: diseases associated with weight gain (including cardiovascular disease, overweight or obesity). Eating faster can lead to eating more. We don’t give time for saturation signalswho inform us that the intake is sufficient, arrive on time. We eat more food than we actually need, which increases the risk of weight gain. Keep in mind that on average it takes the body about 20 minutes to send satiety signals to the brain..

In Spain, and according to data from the National Statistical Institute (INE), the accidental choking in 2022 they caused 3,546 deathsof which the 11% was due to food intake. Not chewing raw foods thoroughly (carrots, apples, nuts, etc.) or eating pieces of fish or meat without paying attention to what we are ingesting (bones, bones, etc.) can lead to these types of accidents.

It is recommended eat slowly and emphasizes all his health benefits. helps us perceive flavors better of food and enjoy the moment and, what is more important, ensure that you can identify yourself in time signs of satiety. In addition, facilitates the digestive process. The digestion of food begins in the mouth with the secretion of the first digestive enzymes, and by chewing food well we can facilitate the next steps of digestion, which will take place in the stomach.


Right, the ‘conscious eating (conscious eating) promote this way of eating. This conscious eating practice helps people identify actual hunger levels what they have before the meal limit the food on the table to help the brain better manage the feeling of satiety. “He ‘conscious eating help take awareness of the eating actUnpleasant eat without distraction, without haste and focused on what we do to help set some up healthier eating habits and to have greater sensory awareness of food.

6 practical tips for eating slowly and healthily

  • Eat foods that require cutlery. Foods that are eaten with your hands, such as sandwiches, or that are drunk, such as a vegetable smoothie, are usually consumed more quickly. Eating with wooden chopsticks is also a way to slow down the speed at which we eat.
  • Accompany meals with whole, raw foods. If you include these types of foods in meals, such as fruits or salads, you will need to chew them more often to swallow them.
  • Avoid distractions, especially screens. Television and smartphones, among other things, transform eating into an automated action in which we pay no attention to signals.
  • Eat in company. Where possible it is recommended Eat with family, friends, colleagues, etc..because it helps us become aware of the moment and at the same time socialize with our environment.
  • Separate food from work in time and space. Avoid eating in front of the computer, because our attention will remain focused on work and it will be difficult for us to concentrate on food.
  • Find free time to eat and plan meals. This way you can ensure quality time to eat while preparing meals with the necessary food groups (vegetables and fruits, proteins such as legumes, fish or white meat, whole grain flour products and fruits).

The speed at which we eat affects the sugar level

So far, there are not enough studies that are consistent to confirm that there is a direct relationship between the rate of intake, sugar levels and diabetes.. The types of food consumed (raw, cooked, whole, fatty or not, etc.) They can adjust the speed during the meal, the speed of digestion and the sugar entering the blood.. We will not have the same glycemic response from drinking 200 ml of juice as from consuming the same sugar in the form of two whole oranges, nor if we drink the juice together with whole wheat bread with cheese.