The world’s largest wind turbine does something unusual: the problem is where it is installed

He largest wind turbine in the world behaves in an unusual way and registers a problem due to its location. If the wind turbine without blades was great, you can’t miss what comes next. This energy instrument is also called a wind turbine or wind generator and is a device that converts the kinetic energy of the wind into electricity. In recent years it has acquired particular relevance due to the large ecological footprint left by fossil fuels.

The higher the wind turbinethe stronger the wind he can take advantage of because there are fewer obstacles in his path. For this reason, it is common to see rooms full of turbines. Their blades resemble the propellers of an airplane or helicopter, which use the aerodynamic force of the wind to spin a rotor, which spins a generator. This procedure generates electricity, which is usually supplied to the electricity grid.

Models that transfer electricity to the grid can be placed on land (on land) or in the sea (offshore). The growing popularity of wind energy is due to its difference from fossil fuels in terms of pollution, as wind energy is a clean source, while fossil fuels are polluting.

No one understands the behavior of the world’s largest wind turbine

Mingyang install China He The world’s first 20 MW offshore wind turbine: MySE18.X-20MW from Mingyang. It has a flexible wind rotor with a diameter between 260 and 292 meters and a production capacity of 80 GWh per year. The Chinese manufacturer of renewable energy equipment Mingyang smart energy specialized in construction, installation and maintenance largest wind turbines in the worldwith a clear peak of 20 MW.

The company announced in its profile months ago LinkedIn that had successfully completed the installation of its offshore wind turbine MySE18.X-20MW. He wind turbine It is located in the Chinese Island Province Hainanwhat it’s aboutlargest single capacity offshore wind turbine in the world”. It has a flexible wind rotor with a diameter between 260 and 292 meters. With a modular and lightweight design, the turbine MySE18.X-20MW It can produce 80 GWh annually and offset 66,000 tons of CO2 emissions, equivalent to the annual consumption of 96,000 inhabitants.


Mingyang has already achieved another major milestone in recent months, with the construction of a floating wind turbine platform with two rotors called “OceanX”, with two turbines on a V-shaped platform and a capacity of 16.6 G. The company described this instrument as “the highest capacity floating wind platform in the world” and ensured that the technology was designed for deepwater applications and an electricity capacity of 54 GWh per year.

The largest wind turbine in the world surprises with its arrival

The implementation of the 20MW turbine Mingyang secures the title of largest turbine installation in the world, surpassing the scope of Dongfang Electric Corporationone of its Chinese competitors. This rival revealed a few months ago the installation of an 18 MW turbine, which was overshadowed by the 20 MW of Mingyang.

Until the arrival of the new wind turbine, the 18 MW turbine Dongfang It was the largest in the world, with a rotor with a diameter of 260 meters and sufficient capacity to generate 72 GWh of electricity per year.

In short, the energy field keeps a close eye on all movements of the new largest wind turbine in the world which, unlike the traditional one, is maritime. An achievement that now involves the implementation of 20 MW at sea.