The United States is turning off all the world’s solar panels: they have done so with an unpronounceable material

USA turn everything off solar panels of the world immediately unspeakable material. Follow the steps of Chinawho destroyed all solar panels with a revolutionary product. The solar panels They have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the need to develop renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels. Due to their importance in the energy field, several companies and experts in the field are working on new solutions that make them an increasingly efficient product.

It is a renewable energy technology that can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the main causes of climate change. The rise of this phenomenon, together with global warming, is one of the major concerns worldwide, and solar energy can combat this by becoming a substitute for fossil fuels.

In addition to providing a source of clean and renewable energy, the solar panels They also provide a solution to the energy challenges facing humanity. The increase in energy demand and fossil fuel prices have made solar energy one of the most attractive energy options. In this way the solar panels They are a feasible solution for the energy transition. A scenario in which USA you may be about to tackle unspeakable material.

The United States is dismantling conventional solar panels: an unpronounceable material is used

They discovered one new stable and abundant photovoltaic material in a database of 40,000 candidates. With the help of new computer techniques, a group of researchers from Dartmouth they found the complex Zintl-phosfuro BaCd2P2. According to a promising analysis, this is the case unspeakable material meets the three essential requirements set by the industry: efficiency, stability and abundance.

The search for a completely new material to capture solar energy and convert it into electricity has been a challenge that has always compromised some of the above requirements. Using a mix of computational screening and high-performance detection techniques, a group of researchers from the Dartmouth University managed one rapid screening of 40,000 materials to find the Zintl phosphide compound BaCd2P2an absorber material for thin-film photovoltaic cells.

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The database contained known natural and artificial inorganic materials and finally selected the Zintl-phosfuro BaCd2P2 be for direct band gap of 1.45 eV, the high optical absorption and the tolerance to defects. He BaCd2P2 It is a chemical compound from the family of Zintla unique class of materials characterized by their interaction with electronegative compounds such as phosphorus, sulfur or arsenic, leading to complex structures.

The United States is putting an end to all solar panels in the world: use this material

In the case of BaCd2P2barium (Ba) and cadmium (Cd) interact with phosphorus (P), forming a phosphide Zintl. This mixture is obtained from abundant materials. Scientists tested this element under laboratory conditions to check how stable it is. The result was promising. It was found to be very stable in air and water, above the solar absorbers currently used, with long-term stability problems or dependence on scarce elements.

“You can leave it out for six months and it will stay the same,” one of the researchers noted in the published study ScienceDaily. He added: “Not having to worry about humidity and air pollution reduces costs significantly.”

He BaCd2P2 It is an efficient, stable, abundant and attractive material to implement on a large scale. However, the research work has only just begun. Researchers are trying to continue improving their detection tools and delving into their capabilities Zintl.

In short, USA will continue to investigate this unspeakable material with an eye to new and revolutionary solar panels. An analysis that could lead to pieces as innovative as transparent solar panels for agro-food crops.