This desert has collapsed with solar panels: there are more than a million of them, but they have created a serious problem

And desert of the world has collapsed with solar panels. There are more than a million of them and they have caused a serious problem. Its emergence on the energy market is causing even more commotion than solar panels that fold themselves. Solar energy, usually obtained from solar panelsemerges as an alternative for environmentally responsible energy consumption, compared to the impact of non-renewable energy sources.

Although its development began in the 1860s, its rise was truncated in the early 20th century by the availability of non-renewable resources such as coal and oil. It was only with the outbreak of the oil crisis in 1973 and 1979 that there was a change in global energy policy, which eventually flourished from 1998 to today, after the Protocol of Kyotoa 1997 agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change the aim of which is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the main causes of global warming.

One of the advantages of solar energy is that it is renewable, it is a source of unlimited energy, it does not increase global warming, its running costs are low, it is available all over the planet and contributes to to sustainable development.

This desert is suffering from a collapse due to the implementation of more than a million solar panels

He Atacama Desert is the solar treasure of Chile with the potential to become a solar energy powerhouse. The key is in the desert Atacamabut the big enemy is the country’s electricity grid. It is the driest desert in the world, with an average rainfall of 0.1 millimeters, meaning it is 250 times drier than the Saharawhere it rains an average of 25 mm annually.

Due to its conditions, it has a bacterial colony with unique conditions and occasionally, when it rains a little more, it is covered with flowers. However, human activity transforms this space. Now it is a huge garbage dump due to fast fashion and even the ancient geoglyphs are ignored. Outside this context, Atacama It is an optimal place to place solar panels by solar radiation, true There are more than 500 operational solar projects and a hundred under construction.

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Despite the environmental impact and costs, deserts are being filled with solar panels It will be a no-brainer to achieve the decarbonization and emissions targets that many countries have set for 2030 and 2050. Atacama Desert It consists of approximately 105,000 square kilometers with stable conditions throughout the year, and is the region with the highest solar radiation in the world.

A million solar panels transform the Atacama Desert

A study published in AMS Last year it revealed the result of five years of measuring sunshine in a specific part of the desert. They achieved horizontal shortwave irradiation results of 308 W/m2, the highest in the world. During the solstices this value rises to a record 2,177 W/m2.

However, not everything is rosy. The country of Chile has collected the statements of one of those responsible for the plant Guanchoiwhich ensures that production expectations are exceeded during the first months and the problem is that they could not generate the maximum. The biggest problem is that transmission infrastructure in Chile has not developed as quickly as photovoltaic parks, creating a bottleneck in the system..

Ultimately, the Atacama Desert It is the ‘home’ of the solar panelswith several projects in progress, but it also has consequences. Due to the discomfort caused by the solar panels conventionally, there is a country that has already started printing new models thanks to a curious material.