California has achieved the miracle of the energy of the future: 3,000 kilos per day of this powerful source

California has achieved the miracle of the energy of the future. 3,000 kilos daily from a powerful source. Currently, the world is immersed in a profound energy transition that applies to all industries and sectors. For this reason, people are turning to both well-known renewable sources and new clean energies. A context in which we have already witnessed innovative projects, such as the discovery of an important extraterrestrial material for all the world’s energy.

An energy transition entails a social change in consumption. When we mention this concept today, we are also referring to the transition from fossil fuels to more environmentally friendly sources. It is part of the global movement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. The main sources in this scenario are hydropower, wind and solar energy. However, there is another that goes a long way and could be exactly what the world needs.

Historically, energy transitions have responded to demands for innovation and necessity. For example, industrialization stimulated the transition from burning wood to burning coal. In the same way, the internal combustion engine and the production of gas-powered vehicles were the prelude to global dependence on oil. Now the focus is on sustainability and efficiency, a scenario in which California performed the miracle future energy.

Eyes are on California, where the miracle of the energy of the future has been created

After squeezing the Sol, California bet on him green hydrogen. There is already one factory that can produce three tons per day. H is one of the keys to the energy transition and California It has one of the most advanced facilities for its extraction. This commitment to renewable energy sources is becoming profitable in several sectors, such as public health, something that is already being noticed USA.

Hydrogen is one of the most abundant elements in the universe. It is simple and has proven to have great potential as an energy source. However, it has a high reactivity, so it combines with other elements to create water (hydrogen plus oxygen), hydrocarbons (hydrogen plus carbon), and other compounds. There are also different types, of which the green H is the most promising.


California has a mega hydrogen plant from the Spanish company H2B2 with a production capacity of 3 tons per day. USA It is one of the countries that has placed the most emphasis on the emergence of new energies and a few years ago they decided to tackle the matter more seriously. With a view to 2050, they want to ensure that all sources are renewable.

In this context of environmental commitment on the part of the authorities, the California Energy Commission years ago approved a grant of $3.96 million for the implementation of the project Photovoltaic solar hydrogen production plant in Central California. The kilometer name that was specified SoHyCala combination of ‘Solar energy’, ‘Hydrogen’ and California.

California is betting on the energy of the future: hydrogen

It is a factory built by the Spanish company H2B2 which represents a groundbreaking project at a technical and commercial level, 100% renewable with a purity of 99.999% by proton polymer membrane electrolysis, or PEM. In addition to hydrogen generation, it has systems to store it in compressed gas and the capacity to distribute it in tube trailers up to 520 bar.

The purpose of SoHyCal is to the largest green hydrogen production plant in North America. Those responsible have publicly stated that operation is currently around 80% and will go through two phases before reaching full capacity.

In short, California performed the miracle energy of the future. An energy that we have already seen shine in revolutionary projects like this, in which hydrogen and artificial intelligence come together.