Ibercaja Foundation delivers the funds from its call for ‘Social Innovation and Environmental Protection’

Thanks to the Ibercaja Foundation 28 proposals that aim to care for the environment from all over Spain that were focused on care and nature protection They will receive aid that will allow them to carry out their action plans.

Fundación Ibercaja has carried out the resolution of the first call for “Social innovation and Environmental Protection” which was launched nationally with the aim of supporting projects focused on this matter. A total of 28 initiatives will benefit from the aid granted by the entity.

Aware of the importance of supporting and making visible projects that work in this sense, the entity promoted this call for the first time to support proposals focused on conserve and protect nature and biodiversitybetting on the sustainable development of the planet, at the same time that they carry out the essential work of educating and raising awareness among the population on this matter.

Protection of the environment, objective of the foundation

Among the projects presented, a total of 13 are initiatives promoted and developed in Aragon. Among them, in the province of Huesca, are the sustainable camps carried out by the Griebal Scout Foundation in Aínsa, the “Cultivating solidarity” initiative of the Hand in hand Foundation in Monzón, the proposal to promote diversity in the ZEPA zone with the Corn for a better world Foundation, in Almunia of San Juan, and, finally, the “Refugios de Aragón” project. In Zaragoza, the call will support the supplementary feeding program for Bearded Vulture Breeding Units of the Foundation for the Conservation of this bird, the “Green Camp” of ASDE Scouts of Aragón.

The initiativeSowing ecosocial awareness through composting” from the Cheso social Foundation, the CeroCO2 startup, from the Ecology and Development Foundation, which aims to accelerate the commitment of companies led by young entrepreneurs with the Mission “Zaragoza Climate Neutral City by 2030”, the “Gamification for the sustainability” of the Association for Social and Technological Innovation.


The Red Cross proposal, “Tackling energy poverty.” In the province of Teruel, the “Compost-aulas” project is supported, promoted by the Tierras del Jiloca and Gallocanta de Calamocha Comprehensive Development Association, the “Sponsor an olive tree” initiative of the Association for the recovery of barren olive trees of Oliete and the “Emancipatory Flavors” project of Mensa Cívica in the capital of Teruel.

In Catalonia, the educational program has been beneficiaries, in Barcelona, ​​“Renewable energies and responsible consumption” from the Luz Solidaria Foundation (Castelldefels), and the project “Agriculture and climate change, from the problem to the solution” from L’Era, Espai de Recursos Agroecològics (Manresa). In Lérida, the initiative “Ilersis Futuro, commitment to people, the planet and prosperity” of the Ilersis Foundation, and in Seu d’Urgell, the “A Home with Soul” project of the Integra Pirineus Foundation.

In Madrid, aid has been allocated to the restoration of the environment and promotion of biodiversity in agroecosystems of Ecoherencia SCA and the care program for small orphan animals of GREFA, in Majadahonda. For its part, in the province of Guadalajara, the call will offer its help to the “Ribera artesones” project of the Foundation Apadrina un arbol de Mazarete and the initiative to help steppe birds of the Global Nature Foundation in Tortuera.

In the Valencian Community, there is the “Cultivated Biodiversity” project of the Associació Connecta Natura in Alcudia de Veo (Castellón) and “Saving the Mediterranean” by Xaloc Association for the Study and Conservation of the Environment in Valencia.

The list of beneficiary projects is completed by “Sustainability en route” of AMYCOS, in Burgos, the “Environmental Plant Forest Volunteering” program of the Association for the Defense of Nature and Resources of Extremadura, in Mérida, “Andalusia: a sea of ​​olive trees” from the Juan Ramón Guillén Foundation of Seville, “Green barriers with schoolchildren” from the Canarian Foundation for Reforestation, in Las Palmas, and the project for the “Protection of the pitiusa lizard on agricultural farms” from the Foundation for the Conservation of Ibiza and Formentera.

Environmental protection and sustainability They constitute a backbone of all the activity promoted by Fundación Ibercaja. The central idea is based on a commitment that guarantees the balance between economic growth, social well-being and care for nature.