The earth is not only a planet who houses life, but a living organism in continuous transformation. This is the revolutionary idea investigated by Ferris Jabr in his essay “A creature called Earth”. The book, published in 2025 by Aboca Edizioni, enriched by an interesting photographic insert, weave science, philosophy and suggestive story to re -define the relationship between the natural world and the life forms that the inhabitants
The planet earth as a living being
Ferris Jabr resumes and expands the theory of GaiaPresented by the biologist James Lovelock. According to this vision, the earth is not limited to offering the conditions for life, but interacts with a continuous cycle of changes. Live beings do not passively adapt to the environment, but they form the active and change the atmosphere, climate And geology.
“The earth showed us the power of the community, diversity and reciprocity. Among all existing beings we only have the opportunity to consciously mimic our living planet and consciously to permanently perpetuate his sublime composition. We are neither the cancer of the earth nor his concern. We are his descendants, his poetry and his mirror “Jabr.
A shared evolution
With scientific precision, the author describes how life has formed the planet in the millennia. Of the first organisms that are able to enrich the oxygen atmosphere, to the large forests that influence the rainfall, every living being contributes to the terrestrial balance. Even the gigantic species from the past are engraved on geography, moving huge amounts of land and changing entire ecosystems.
“Life has evolved on earth because the earth is suitable for life – says the introduction -. Since the time of Darwin, the prevailing scientific paradigms have also shown that the always changing needs of the environment largely dictate the way in which life evolves: the most capable types of adapting to the changes in their specific habitat leave a larger number of descendants behind, while those who cannot adapt are extinguished “.

A new way to look at the earth
Jabr challenges the traditional concept of nature as a passive background of human existence. His story suggests a radically different vision: the earth and life form a single dynamic entity. This perspective forces the reader to reconsider his role in the natural system, characterized in an era by climatic emergency situations and ecological crises.
Science and poetry in one work
The book is not limited to providing scientific data and theories, but the reader envelops a suggestive language. Jabr’s prose balances academic strictness and narrative beauty, making even the most complex concepts accessible. The result is a text that relieves, inspires and invites reflection.

Why reading
Those who work from working that change the perspective on the world will find it “A creature called Earth” An essential reading. The book not only deepens the history of our planet, but also offers a powerful connecting message between people and nature. An invitation to observe the earth with new eyes and to recognize its in -depth vitality.