An oil tanker clashes with a freighter in the North Sea and the pollution of the environment is almost safe

And Petrolero and a freighter collided yesterday at the North Seaoff the coast of Yorkshire (northern England). Thirty -two people were injured and for now, it is known that it was poured in the sea, which fears a possible contamination.

The alert occurred shortly before 11 in the morning, Spanish time, according to the British Coast Guard. Petroleum Stena Immaculate, owned by the Swedish company Stena Bulk and operated by Crowley, was rammed by the Portuguese flag of the Portuguese flag container. The exact reasons of the incident are yet to be determined.

2 poison carriers collide

Greenpeace has expressed serious concerns about the threat to marine life that represent the loads and fuel of the freighter and the oil tanker involved in the collision that occurred yesterday near the coast of Yorkshire, the United Kingdom, near environmentally sensitive areas.

According to Humber’s coast guard, the oil tanker Stena Immaculate He transported fuel for airplanes that could now be poured into the North Sea. At the same time, according to Lloyd’s List’s information, the freighter transported 15 sodium cyanide containers, a highly toxic chemicaland the integrity of this burden is unknown. To all this we must add other substances that could be released, including the heavy fuels themselves used by ships.

Paul Johnston, chief scientist of the NGO Scientific Unit at Exeter University, declares: «As more information is obtained about what the ships transported, the concern for the multiple toxic dangers that these chemicals could represent for marine life increases. He Fuel for planes poured near a marsopic reproduction zone is toxic to fish and other sea creatures.

Any heavy fuel release too It could represent serious risks of contamination for the protected protected areas. The authorities must urgently evaluate the situation and implement measures to contain the release of fuel and any other toxic substance of the two ships to avoid an environmental disaster ».

Aviation fuel + toxic agents = safe pollution

The most recent data on the Marinetraffic ship tracking website indicate that the Petrolero was “partially loaded” when it was hit by the freighter; In fact, the oil tanker could have transported up to 140,000 barrels of fuel for airplanes when it was anchored near Hull, according to Bloomberg/Kepler information.

The Oceanic and Atmospheric National Administration (NOA) ensures that aircraft fuels are toxic to marine life and serious agents of pollution: «Aquatic organisms that come into direct contact with Fuel for dispersed and suspended airplanes in the water column can die. However, small spills in open waters may not cause death of fish ».

The incident occurred Near a marsopic reproduction zone, as well as protected spaces and areas of scientific interest.

He Querosene transport, aviation fuel, all over the world, has serious contamination risksas we see live now. This case is another example of the dangers of depending on fossil fuels such as gas and oil, in addition to the impacts they produce in the climate, in health, and in the ecosystems and local communities where it is extracted and transported. Fossil fuels are the main cause of climate change, and science indicates that it is urgent to abandon its use and accelerate change to a renewable energy system.