ANSE demands that the mayor of San Javier comply with the law and cancel the opening license of ‘Collados Beach’

ANSE has asked the mayor of San Javier to comply with the law and comply with the ruling that has annulled the opening license that the Collados Beach establishment had, located in the town of Encañizados, belonging to the Municipality of San Javier.

Recently, a ruling from the Contentious-Administrative Court No. 1 has been made known that undermines the attitude of the San Javier City Council for refusing to ex officio review of the activity license of the Collados Beach establishmentjust as the neighbors requested. The ruling declares the aforementioned license null and void and imposes the costs on the San Javier City Council.

The Association of Southeastern Naturalists has been pointing out various irregularities of the aforementioned establishment and indicates that the content of it is not surprising, since there was both a report from the Legal Council of the Region of Murcia and the municipal architect that indicated the nullity of said license as it was incompatible with the current Subsidiary Standards.

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On the contrary, the attitude of the San Javier city council does cause surprise, which instead of acting diligently to guarantee the conservation of the environment and protect the health of neighbors decided to favor the particular interests of the establishment and not resolve the review requested by the neighbors, forcing them to resort to Justice. Even more inconceivable are the claims to appeal the aforementioned ruling when all the legal arguments are contrary to the legality of the license.

Furthermore, the Association points out that the judge has not entered into the environmental arguments for protection of the area. Thus, it is worth remembering that the establishment operates under the figure of Beach Club to provide services to an adjacent beach, which is a priority conservation area of ​​the Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro Regional Park and where public use is prohibited. The aforementioned establishment carries various sanctions for affecting the Public Domain and the Regional Park.

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Anse once again demands legality in Collados Beach

For all of the above, the Association asks the Mayor of San Javier to desist from his attempts to appeal said ruling, since the legal arguments are so clear that an appeal will only entail greater costs for the City Council and an increase in the collapse of Justice. Not to mention a greater discredit of the functioning of the City Council of San Javier in the protection of the environment and the health of the neighbors.

Also, ANSE asks the rest of the administrations involved, the Coastal Demarcation in Murcia and the Ministry of the Environment, to intervene diligently to ensure the conservation of the Public Domain and the Regional Park adjacent to the establishment and that is being affected by the operation of this establishment.

What once again surprises the Organization, the neighbors and all those who know the situation is that this project has not been stopped before, since its nullity is not surprising, since the legal council and several professionals warned with your time illegality and ANSE denounced it repeatedly.