He ecotourism It is one of the most important economic sectors in our country. A sector that has a very significant impact on the environment. As people travel, the pressure on natural resources and local ecosystems even increases. This is why What we increasingly have to improve the practice of ecotourism.
In many cases, the construction of tourist infrastructure leads to the relegation of the habitat and deforestation. On the other, The increase in waste and pollution caused by mass tourism can damage ecosystems and influence the air and water quality.
He Ecotourism is a sustainable tourism model that aims to minimize the impact of the environment and the environment Promote the preservation of natural ecosystems. The aim is to offer travel experiences that promote respect for nature and that in turn can generate economic benefits for local communities.

Asturia strengthens ecotourism
Asturias Nowadays show his leadership in the field of ecotourism Before eight specialized international operators travel through some of the most important natural enclaves of the community.
This initiative FORMA part of a strategic journey to stimulate the ecotourist reserve of Green SpainThe largest European course of these characteristics, which has an investment of 938,000 euros financed by the program Tourism experiences Spain.
The Tour, which started last Friday in Euskadi and will end in Galicia on Monday, allows these professionals Firsthand know the Asturian natural wealth and its potential as a sustainable destination. Among the spaces they will visit, it is Los Picos de Europa National Park, the reserves of the biosphere of Ponga, Somiedo and Fuentes del Narcea, Degaña and Ibias; As well as the partial nature reserve of the Ría de Villaviciosa.
The program Contains important activities for nature tourism, such as emblematic fauna perception-With iconic species such as the brown bear and the breakthrough, interpretative walking and observation of landscapes in protected environments.
The Ecotourist Reserve or Green Spain is the commercial denomination of eco -tourism Van Green Spain, a project coordinated by Asturia that brings together more than 300 local tourist companies in 25 protected spaces of the principality, Galicia, Cantabria and Euskadi.
Green Spain, founded in 1989 with the support of Turespaña, has established himself as an international reference for sustainable tourism. Of 14 UNESCO BIOSFERE SHORTS, 25 NATURE PARKSAlmost 2,000 kilometers of coast and more than 2,800 national accommodations, this territorial brand strengthens the image of the Cantabrian cornice as a unique destination for nature lovers.
With this promotion, Asturias consolidates his dedication to a sustainable tourist modelable to attract visitors in search of authentic and respectful experiences with the environment.