Aviar flu is an infectious disease that affects birds. It is caused by the viruses of the grain Type A, which belong to the family Orthomyxoviridae.
There are different tribes of the Aviar Flu -virus, Depending on the type of protein (H and N) that they present on the surface. The high pathogenity (IAap), including a few H5 and H7 tribes, have a very high deadliness, especially in domestic birds (Geese and ducks seem more resistant to get sick). Five subtypes (expression of H5, H7 or H9) have shown that they can occasionally infect people.
Aviar flu is very contagious between birds And it can spread from farm to farm by transferring animals or contaminated material (products, vehicles, cages, food, clothing, etc.). The disease can also be transferred by contact between migratory birds and domestic birds.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAP) has opened the specific protection measures against Aviar Flu in Spain for public consultationson which Greenpeace has sent concise accusations in which they are mentioned four specific, urgent and necessary measures For the world escalation of this disease
Allegations to stop the Aviar flu
- Implement a Moratory to industrial cattle of at least five years: neither new exploitation nor extensions of the existing ones. At the moment it is urgent to apply to Corral Bird Farms, but it must be for all livestock farms
- Acceleration of the density of animals in commercial farms Van Corral Birds, as recommended by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- Near All Corral Bird Farms that are less than 2,000 kilometers from the urban core
- Reduce the cattle hut to intensive Until reaching 50 % less in 2030
‘We can’t keep playing with fire. We see how Aviar flu Advanza without ceasefire worldwide and already has serious consequences at the economic level. But that’s it Only a problem of many people generated by macrogranjas.
The Agri Food system needs a deep transformation and in Spain you have to start drying the expansion of industrial cattle“Luís Ferreirim, head of agriculture and cattle of the organization in Spain, said.
According to the latest data published in the Integral Animal Traceability System (Sitran) of the map, the Corral Bird Census reached the 279.037.383 Animals, overcrowded in the vast majority in industrial farms.
Industrial farms are the perfect environment for the proliferation of this type of virus, because countless genetically comparable individuals are forced to live overflowing. This is Precisely the dominant Macrogranja model in Spain and more and more in the world.
If this adds that animals are usually transferred to long distances, There is a second condition that facilitates the spread of the virus. And this is not because bio -safety measures are missing on these farms, but simply because these environments create the ideal habitat for pathogens.
Another risk factor is the huge amounts of droppings They are generated in these facilities, because as the Ministry of Health itself remarks: “AVI viruses can live up to 100 days up to 4 ° Celsius, in the water they survive up to four days to 22º Celsius and more than 30 days to 0º Celsius”.
It is not surprising that a report from the European Food Security Authority indicates, Under the recommended measures to combat AVIAire viruses, a reduction in commercial farm densityEspecially in areas where these activities are the most concentrated. The NGO has asked a meeting with the director -general of the health of the production of agrifood and animal welfare, Mr Valentín Almansa, responsible for this issue to tackle this serious problem.