Bad times for ‘The Greens’ in Brandenburg

Bad times for’The German Greens‘: el party has not reached 5% of votes necessary to enter the Parliament of Brandenburg. Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour will remain in office until a party congress is held from November 15 to 17.

In Germanylos Verdes have been forced to compromise on many of his fundamental convictions while they have been in government in order to address energy security. To maintain your electoral support, they need to continue combining pragmatism with climate-focused policies.

The two co-presidents of The Greens, Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripourannounced this Wednesday their resignation as a result of the group’s failure in the elections in the federal state of Brandenburg, where the environmentalists have been left out of the regional parliament.

Lang and Noripour had replaced Annalena Baerbock y Robert Habeck when they entered the Government of Olaf Scholz as representatives of the Greens in the coalition at the head of the Foreign Affairs and Economy portfolios respectively.

In the federal state of Brandenburg, in eastern Germany and surrounding Berlin, the Greens have remained below the 5% threshold needed to enter Parliament.

«The result in the regional elections has been the culmination of the most serious crisis that our party has suffered in the last decade. “We have come to the conclusion that a new beginning is needed,” Nouripour said in an appearance. “In addition, there is a need for new strategic position facing the role that the Greens will have in the new party system that is changing radically,” he clarified.

The Greens need ‘new faces’

Lang, for his part, has indicated that The party needs “new faces” at the top and that the party congress, which will be held in Wiesbaden between November 15 and 17, must elect successors. Until that congress is held, Until the congress, Lang and Nouripur will continue in their acting positions.

Before the elections held in Brandenburg, the Greens were also left out of the regional parliament in Thuringia after the region’s elections held at the beginning of September.

The intention to vote for the Green party drops in all surveys

The statutes of The Greens They prevent the same person from holding a ministry and a high position within the party simultaneously. In the last general election in 2021, the Greens obtained 14.7% of the vote, but voting intention polls give the party now about 10%.

The latest survey, carried out by the INSA demographic institute, sees the party even with 9.5%, which means for the first time in seven years it is below 10%.