Book a front row seat to science


Off we go Science Weekthe usual event offering activities for all ages, from 21st to 28th September. The opening will take place at the Ex Cartiera Latina in Rome, in Via Appia Antica 42, with events designed for every taste. This is just a taste while waiting for the highlight of September 27th: the European Night of LEAF Researchers. It is an entire day, until late at night, dedicated to discovering the world of science and the work of researchers. Last year, the event saw the participation of 60 thousand visitors, led by over 2 thousand researchers in 900 events organized in 32 Italian cities. This year, the “banquet” of science will be served throughout Italy!

The University of Parma will offer engaging experiences, such as escape rooms on sustainability and insights into nanomaterials, precious allies of our health. Piacenza will offer film screenings on the energy transition, artificial intelligence and innovation in food design. From North to South, the science dish will be rich: in Palermo, with the event “WE DREAM OF THE FUTURE”we dream big, involving schools, while in Potenza we play with logic, mathematics and algorithms.

The event was inaugurated on 14 and 15 September with the “Science Buffet”with a series of scientific workshops and games. Among the topics covered, the “Cold Physics” and the “Chemistry in the Kitchen”.

Cold Physics

Cold is essential for food preservation. Through experiments, the nature of heat, temperature and cold was explored, observing the thermal agitation of the particles, which are never still. The workshop is suitable for children aged 8 and up.

Chemistry in the Kitchen

Foods like popcorn, chips, meringues and marshmallows can inspire science experiments! The station allowed participants to discover that a good chemist can also be an excellent chef. The laboratory was run by the chemist and science communicator Daniela Romanazzo.

Science Week

Science Week continues until the grand finale on 27 and 28 September with the LEAF Night 2024. The event includes numerous laboratories and scientific gamesin addition to Science Trips dedicated to adults.

«The 2023 edition was a record for the number of cities, events held and the public involved, and starting from here is a great challenge», explains Matteo Martinipresident of Frascati Scienza. «The large participation of people, of all ages, makes us understand how important it is to bring science to the public in the right way. LEAF is now a trademark because, today more than ever, it is important to talk about the environment and science and we want to do so by showing the great work being done in our universities and research centers to guarantee a sustainable future for everyone. This year we have events that range across many fields of knowledge precisely because we want to show science and research in its entirety.”

Between Wild Orchids and the Carnivorous World

Spontaneous Italian orchids will be explored, in particular those of the Lepini Mountains, protected and endangered species. The theme of carnivorous plants will also be covered, extraordinary examples of natural adaptation, studied for the first time by Charles Darwin.


According to George Bernard Shaw, “Man does not stop playing because he grows old, but he grows old because he stops playing.” An association will propose activities based on logic and mathematics in game form, involving participants in stimulating challenges.

The cities

Science will be the protagonist in numerous Italian cities, including Ariccia, Carbonia, Cassino, Colleferro, Cosenza, Fiumicino, Frascati, Gorga, Latina, Monterotondo, Nemi, Palermo, Parma, Piacenza, Pisa, Potenza, Rome, Sestu, Velletri and Ventotene .


To participate, simply connect to the website Frascati Sciencechoose between program for everyone or that dedicated to schoolsand use the filters to find the most suitable event.

The European Night of Researchersscheduled for the last Friday of September, is organized by Frascati Scienza and involves over 40 partners, turning into a 15-day long science festival.

I partner

The nineteenth edition of Frascati Scienza’s European Night of Researchers involves collaborations and partners engaged in all branches and disciplines of scientific knowledge and beyond, brought together for this great annual event.

Academy of Fine Arts of Rome, Alumni-ALACLAM Association of Cassino and Southern Lazio University Graduates, Responsible Bioscience Association, Le Scie Fisiche Youth Association, Italian Association of Operating Room Nurses – AICO Italia, Speak Science Association, Bank of Italy, IFO- Regina Elena National Cancer Institute and San Gallicano Dermatological Institute – IRCCS, National Institute of Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani INMI “Lazzaro Spallanzani” IRCCS, C&C Consulting SpA, City of Ariccia, Municipality of Nemi, Municipality of Piacenza, CREA, ESA – European Space Agency, European Brain Research Institute (EBRI) ‘Rita Levi-Montalcini’, Explora the Children’s Museum of Rome, AIRC Foundation for cancer research, Umberto Veronesi Foundation, Bioformatics Laboratory – IRCSS Casa del Sollievo e della Sofferenza, FVA New Media Research , G.Eco, Monti Lepini Astrophile Group, ICR – Central Institute for Restoration, IFO – Regina Elena National Cancer Institute and San Gallicano Dermatological Institute – IRCCS, Il Salotto di Giano APS, ISTAT – National Institute of Statistics, JA Italia, Libera Maria Santissima Assunta University – LUMSA,, Museum of the Pontine Land of Latina, Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital, PariMpari Onlus, Sistema Castelli Romani, Sotacarbo, UNICEF ITALY, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” – Department of Biology, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” – Department of Biomedicine and Prevention, Department of Experimental Medicine University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Rome UnitelmaSapienza , University of Roma Tre, University of Parma, University of Pisa – Department of Biology, Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma-CSIC.


LEAF is funded by the HORIZON-MSCA-2023-CITIZENS-01-01 program of the European Commission, GA n°101161615, within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, which evaluated the proposal submitted by Frascati Scienza together with its partners with a excellent score.